Decisions and Resolutions of the Council (2015/16)

Key Documents 

Updated on 19/04/22

ICC-132-8: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 132nd Session of the International Coffee Council (31 March and 1 April 2022)

It includes the following Council Decision:

ICC-132-3: Decision of the Council – Draft of the new International Coffee Agreement (ICA)

ICC-131-4: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 131st Session of the International Coffee Council (9 and 10 February 2022)

It includes the following Council Resolution:

ICC Resolution 475: Restoration of voting rights of Viet Nam

ICC-130-16: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 130th Session of the International Coffee Council – 9 and 10 September 2021

It includes the following Council Decisions and Resolutions:

ICC Resolution 474: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Extension of the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession

ICC Resolution 473: Extension of the International Coffee Agreement 2007

ICC-127-7: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 127th Session of the International Coffee Council – 10 and 11 September 2020

It includes the following Council Decisions and Resolutions:

ICC Resolution 472: Extension of the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
ICC Resolution 471:
 Extension of the International Coffee Agreement 2007

ICC-126-6: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 126th Session of the International Coffee Council – 4 and 5 June 2020

It includes the following Council Decisions and Resolutions:

ICC-Resolution 470 – Approved in principle, subject to further clarification by the Finance and Administration Committee, at the Second Plenary Meeting, 5 June 2020:

Temporary suspension of Members in persistent arrears

ICC-Resolution 469: Restoration of voting rights of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

ICC-Resolution 468: Restoration of voting rights of Malawi

ICC-125-15: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 125th Session of the International Coffee Council – 23-27 September 2019

It includes the following Council Decision and Resolution:

ICC-125-10: Decision of the International Coffee Council at its 125th Session

ICC-Resolution 467: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Resolution extending the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession

ICC-124-20: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 124th Session of the International Coffee Council – 25-29 March 2019

ICC-123-5: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 123nd Session of the International Coffee Council – 14 November 2018

It includes the following Resolution:

ICC Resolution 466: Members in persistent arrears

ICC-122-24: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 122nd Session of the International Coffee Council – 17 to 21 September 2018

It includes the following Resolutions:

ICC Resolution 465: Coffee price levels

ICC Resolution 464: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Extension of the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession


ICC-121-9: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 121st Session of the International Coffee Council – 9 to 13 April 2018

It includes the following Resolution:

ICC Resolution 463: Allocation of £13,500, from the Programme of Activities for coffee year 2017/18 to part-fund the implementation of the study on Economic and Policy Analysis for Improving Smallholder Coffee Producers’ Incomes

ICC Resolution 462: Invitation to the United states of America to reconsider its decision to withdraw from the International Coffee Agreement 2007


ICC-120-16: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 120th Session of the International Coffee Council – 28 to 29 September 2017

It includes the following Resolution:

ICC Resolution 461: Extension of the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession

ICC-119-20: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 119th Session of the International Coffee Council – 13 to 17 March 2017

ICC-118-4: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the118th Special Session of the International Coffee Council

It includes the following Resolution:

ICC Resolution 460: Authorization to sign the lease and related agreements at Part 4th Floor, 222 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB (“the Property”) on behalf of the International Coffee Organization (ICO)

ICC-117-16: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 117th Session of the International Coffee Council – 19 to 23 September 2016

It includes the following Resolutions:

ICC Resolution 459: Use of the Special Fund

ICC Resolution 458: Extension of the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession

ICC-116-14: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 116th Session of the International Coffee Council – 9 to 11 March 2016

ICC-115-15: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 115th Session of the International Coffee Council – 28 September to 2 October 2015

It includes the following resolutions:

ICC Resolution 457: Strategic Review of the ICO

ICC Resolution 456: Extension of the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession

ICC-114-12: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 114th Session of the International Coffee Council – 2 to 6 March 2015

It includes the following Resolution:

ICC Resolution 455: Restoration of voting rights of Sierra Leone