Any Program
to increase domestic coffee consumption must incorporate all three stages
The Customer Becomes Aware of the Product or Concept
The activities involved here will be a function of whether or not the
producing country has a coffee drinking culture. The message to be delivered
and the tool selected for delivery will be dictated by what the potential
consumer needs to know and what is the best medium for imparting the information. Where there is need for a more informational
approach, example where a coffee drinking culture needs to be encouraged
through the dispelling of misconceptions, or changing of perceptions, the conventional tools employable would include
The Customer Develops Interest for and a Potential Intension or Desire to Purchase
Once the potential customer is at this phase, the communication can move to less informational tools to encourage purchase. These can include
The Customer Decides to Buy the Product
At this stage, once
the decision is made to buy, the customer will be interested in selecting which
brand to buy. At this stage brand
differentiation is of utmost importance and any of the conventional tools
listed above can be used to reinforce the brand or promote selection.
the tools listed above have been assigned to different stages, it may be found
that particular tools may be useful across different stages. It is important therefore to assess the
communication needs, based on the market conditions and select the best tool
for delivering the message.
Specialized tools which can be used in the building of domestic consumption are
The above list does not proport to be comprehensive, but gives a list of tools which may be utilized in concert, or by themselves and along with other initiatives not listed, as dictated by the needs of the target market.
Other conventional tools which can be used in campaigns to increase domestic consumption of coffee in producing countries include:
It is recommended that expert help be sought from marketing professionals to design programs tailormade to the producing country and their target audiences.