The guide is organized in sections to be accessed based on current needs. You can navigate the guide to aid with research information, strategy development as well as to get actual tools for use on a daily basis.
The toolkit is broken down into key sections for each of the core consideration / discipline:
Our Courses and Learning section contains links to coffee studies and data and courses hosted by ICO partners which may be beneficial in the implementation of a strategy for developing domestic markets for increased coffee consumption.
This Market
Development Toolkit does not proport to be an exhaustive collection of ideas
for the increasing of domestic coffee consumption in producing countries. The aim is to provide a set of guidelines,
filters and a quality checked list of tools that offer the best the possibility
for the best outcomes when applied. The
underpinning concept presented here is a need to focus on the coffee consumer
as the driver for all plans and strategies.
The toolkit is
designed to keep you coming back, visiting and revisiting refining ideas,
deepening your understanding and application of concepts as you navigate the development of the market
for coffee consumption in your country.