Press Releases

PR – 356/24:

Coffee recognized as a key strategic sector by the G7 in a historic milestone for the ICO

18 June 2024, London, United Kingdom – The International Coffee Organization (ICO) is pleased to announce the outcomes of the 50th G7 Summit held from 13 to 15 June 2024 at the Borgo Egnazia resort in Fasano, Apulia, Italy. The gathering convened leaders from the G7 member states alongside representatives from the European Council and European Commission (EU), focusing on critical global issues including climate change, economic recovery, and international relations… Read more

PR – 355/24:

UNIDO and ICO publish the report “Sustainability & resilience of the coffee global value chain: towards a global investment vehicle”

13 June 2024, London, United Kingdom/Vienna, Austria – The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the International Coffee Organization (ICO) are proud to announce that they are leading new concrete efforts to strengthen climate adaptation measures and foster sustainability in the Coffee Global Value Chain (C-GVC)… Read more

PR – 354/24:

Launch of global platform for coffee industry players to transform 40 million tons of biowaste into business

15 May 2024, London, United Kingdom – The global coffee industry generates nearly 40 million tons of biowaste each year – that’s about seven times the weight of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Instead of going to the landfill, coffee by-products can be upcycled into a wide range of products, from cosmetics to health foods, bricks and packaging…. Read more

PR – 353/24:

ICO partners with G7 to enhance climate adaptation and sustainability in the coffee global value chain

3 May 2024 – The International Coffee Organization (ICO) is proud to announce that its direct engagement, advocacy efforts and collaboration with the Italian Presidency of the G7 are bringing new concrete opportunities to strengthen adaptation measures and foster sustainability in the coffee global value chain … Read more

PR – 352/24:

The ILO, Ministry of Labour, ICO and Government of Huila join forces on 28 April to promote decent work in the coffee sector via the #FamiliasCafeteras campaign

26 April 2024 – Colombia is renowned for its leading position in the global coffee industry, currently ranking as the third largest coffee producer in the world. This achievement is possible thanks to the work of 548,000 coffee-growing families and 2.5 million workers across the country … Read more

PR – 351/24:

Saudi Arabia signs International Coffee Agreement 2022

London, United Kingdom, 20 February 2024 – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia made history today, signing the International Coffee Agreement (ICA) 2022 at the International Coffee Organization (ICO) headquarters in London. This is the first time the country has formally joined the ICO world coffee family, whose history spans 60 years. …. Read more

PR – 350/24:

Joint declaration on coffee sector transformation: towards a sustainable and prosperous future for coffee producers and the entire global value chain

Berlin, Germany, 19 January 2024 – Set against the vibrant backdrop of Berlin’s Grüne Woche, the International Coffee Organization (ICO), Global Coffee Platform (GCP), and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) came together today to sign a joint declaration to strengthen their cooperation towards a true sustainable transformation of the global coffee sector…. Read more

PR – 349/23:

Alliances for sustainable coffee and a circular economy at COP28 in Dubai

London, United Kingdom, 19 December 2023 – The International Trade Centre (ITC) signed and strengthened partnerships for promoting a circular economy and sustainable coffee value chains at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai. The goal is to ensure that the perspectives of producers and small businesses are included in climate discussions… Read more

PR – 348/23:

ICO and SCA forge alliance to enhance the global coffee sector

London, United Kingdom, 1 December 2023 – The International Coffee Organization (ICO) is delighted to announce a momentous collaboration with the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the ICO Headquarters… Read more

PR – 347/23:

ICO and GCP renew commitment to coffee sustainability collaboration

Bengaluru, India, 29 September 2023 – During the World Coffee Conference, the International Coffee Organization (ICO) and Global Coffee Platform (GCP) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU), renewing and expanding their special partnership within the Coffee Public-Private Task Force (CPPTF), in an effort to accelerate coffee sustainability, farmer prosperity, and address systemic sustainability issues facing coffee farming communities around the world. … Read more

PR – 346/23:

Launch of the new ‘Center for Circular Economy in Coffee’: the first global collaborative platform for the circular transition in the coffee industry

Bangalore, India, 27 September 2023 – Yesterday, at the World Coffee Conference (WCC 2023) promoted by the International Coffee Organization (ICO) and jointly organized with the Government of India and its Coffee Board in Bangalore (India), was announced the launch of the Center for Circular Economy in CoffeeRead more

PR – 345/23:

ICO and ILO join forces to celebrate the 2023 International Coffee Day, promoting workers’ right to a safe and healthy working environment in the coffee supply chain

London, 31 August 2023 – Respect for workers and compliance with labour standards are the foundations of decent work and an integral part of ensuring universal human rights. Promoting respect for such international labour standards and supporting key stakeholders’ efforts to uphold them is essential to achieve inclusive growth, strengthen the stability and sustainability of the coffee industry and improve workers’ quality of life.Read more

PR – 344/23:

ICO’s Coffee Public Private Task Force brings attention to decent standard of living for coffee farmers worldwide

London, 22 June 2023 – Commissioned and financed by the ICO Coffee Public-Private Task Force’s Living-Prosperous Income Workstream, the ICO is partnering with the Anker Research Institute to undertake Anker Living Income BenchmarkRead more

PR – 343/23:

Planet-protecting coffee: Mozambique joins the International Coffee Organization

London, 13 June 2023 – The Government of Mozambique today joined the International Coffee Organization (ICO) for the first time in its history, at a ceremony held in central London… Read more

PR – 342/23:

Switzerland becomes first country to ratify the International Coffee Agreement (ICA) 2022: the new treaty promoting international cooperation to achieve the sustainable development of the coffee sector

London, 17 May 2023 – On Thursday 11 May 2023 Switzerland officially became the first country to ratify the ICA 2022, approved by Members of the International Coffee Organization (ICO) in June 2022…. Read more

PR – 341/23:

EU action against deforestation and forest degradation – EUDR: the ICO Task Force becomes a strategic partner in building consensus on a deforestation-free coffee supply chain

4 May 2023, Virtual – Organized by the International Coffee Organization (ICO) and its Coffee Public-Private Task Force (CPPTF), on 24 April 2023 a webinar on the EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Supply Chains (EUDR) gathered over 260 participants from across the coffee sector along with representatives from European Union (EU)… Read more

PR – 340/23:

UK Government signs International Coffee Agreement 2022

London, 20 April 2023 – The Rt Hon Mark Spencer MP, Minister of State for Food, Farming and Fisheries, has today signed the International Coffee Agreement (ICA) 2022 on behalf of the UK Government, strengthening the industry which contributes billions of pounds to the UK economy each year… Read more

PR – 339/23:

ICO’s CPPTF launches a series of living income benchmark studies implemented by experts in partnership with ICO Members

London, 16 February 2023 – The International Coffee Organization (ICO) and its Coffee Public-Private Task Force (CPPTF) are kicking off living income benchmarking studies in four ICO Member countries, namely: Rwanda, Honduras, Togo and Angola. The studies have been commissioned and financed by the CPPTF’s Living-Prosperous Income Workstream, and are going to be carried out for the ICO by the consulting firm NewForesight… Read more

PR – 338/22:

ICO and ASEAN Coffee Federation sign joint declaration to reinforce collaboration towards a sustainable and prosperous coffee sector

Hanoi, 11 December 2022 – The ASEAN Coffee Federation (ACF) represented by its President, Victor Mah, and the International Coffee Organization (ICO), represented by its Executive Director, Vanúsia Nogueira, signed a Joint Declaration to reinforce cooperation between the federation and the organization towards a sustainable and prosperous coffee sector in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations… Read more

PR – 337/22:

Rome becomes world coffee capital for a day

Rome, 17 November 2022 – The search for innovative financial solutions to combat climate change and help all coffee farmers achieve a living and sustainable income was the theme of the Colloquium organized on the occasion of the Ernesto Illy International Coffee Award 2022 by illycaffè and the International Coffee Organization (ICO) together with its Coffee Public-Private Task Force (CPPTF)… Read more

PR – 336/22:

134th Session of the International Coffee Council: towards the renewal of a unique coffee diplomacy space

London, 17 October 2022 – The International Coffee Organization (ICO) convened the 134th session of the International Coffee Council, gathering its Members to discuss and agree on wide-ranging issues impacting the coffee sector…Read more

PR – 335/22:

The 4th CEO & Global Leaders Forum: a renewed commitment towards sustainability and farmers’ prosperity in the coffee sector

Bogotá, 5 October 2022 – During the 4th CEO & Global Leaders Forum, which took place in the margins of the 134th Session of the International Coffee Council (ICC), a joint Communiqué was released reaffirming the commitment of public and private coffee sector leaders on the implementation of the 2020-2030 Coffee Roadmap… Read more

PR – 334/22:

ICO ED, Vanúsia Nogueira, meets with HE Natalia Royo de Hagerman, Ambassador of Panama to the United Kingdom

London, 15 July 2022 – The International Coffee Organization’s Executive Director, Vanúsia Nogueira, met with HE Natalia Royo de Hagerman, Ambassador of Panama, on 14 July to discuss the challenges facing the coffee sector globally and with specific reference to the Panamanian sector… Read more

PR – 333/22:

ICO Executive Director joins the third World Coffee Producers Forum to discuss the coffee sector’s challenges and opportunities

London, 18 July 2022 – For its third edition, held virtually on 12 July 2022, the World Coffee Producers Forum (WCPF) welcomed international experts and high-level representatives from different coffee-producing countries and coffee associations…Read more

PR – 332/22:

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Madagascar confirms Government’s commitment to sign the new International Coffee Agreement 2022

London, 11 July 2022 – His Excellency Mr Richard Randriamandrato, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Madagascar, paid a courtesy visit to the International Coffee Organization’s (ICO) Executive Director, Ms Vanusia Nogueira, at the ICO headquarters in London on 7 July…Read more

PR – 331/22:

Spanish edition of the world’s most important coffee guide launched in Peru

London, 30 June 2022 – Through its Alliances for Action Programme, the International Trade Centre (ITC) has launched the Spanish version of the fourth edition of the Coffee Guide at the 24th National Coffee and Cocoa Convention, held in Lima (Peru)… Read more

PR – 330/22:

The ICO Coffee Public-Private Task Force at the WoC Milan – Towards a sustainable coffee sector

London, 28 June 2022 – On the occasion of the World of Coffee (WoC), held in Milan on 23 June, the ICO Coffee Public-Private Task Force organized a special event on ‘Towards Partnerships for Sustainability/Targets & Actions for Specialty’… Read more

PR – 329/22:

ICO unveils landmark International Coffee Agreement, formally welcoming the Global Private Sector to key discussions on the future of coffee

London, 9 June 2022 – In a new spirit of collaboration, the International Coffee Organization (ICO) is pleased to announce its landmark International Coffee Agreement 2022, formally welcoming to the table for the first time in 60 years the world’s biggest coffee retailers, roasters and manufacturers, together with coffee farmers… Read more

PR – 328/22:

Collaborative Research to support Living Incomes of Coffee Farmers, Peru

Under the framework of the National Coffee Action Plan, leading actors in the coffee value chain come together to support a living income benchmark study in Peru with the Anker Research Institute… Read more

PR – 327/22:

ICO Members receive draft of the new International Coffee Agreement at the 132nd Session of the International Coffee Council

London, 4 April 2022 – The 132nd (virtual) Session of the International Coffee Council concluded after a two-day meeting (31 March – 1 April 2022) following a week of associated meetings of the Committees of the Organization… Read more

PR – 326/22:

New partnership charts course towards prosperous incomes – ICO & IDH team up on increasing incomes for smallholder coffee farmers

London 30 March 2022 – A sustainable coffee sector is one that can assure fair distribution of
value across the value chain. A new partnership between the International Coffee Organization
(ICO) and IDH – the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) will lay the groundwork for living and
prosperous incomes for coffee farmers… Read more

PR – 325/22:

Withdrawal of Uganda from the International Coffee Agreement 2007

London, 22 February 2022 – On 2 February 2022 the International Coffee Organization (ICO) announced the withdrawal of Uganda from the International Coffee Agreement 2007 (ICA 2007), as per the Depositary Notification DN-144/22/ICA 2007Read more

PR – 324/22:

CABEI and ICO work together to mitigate climatic disasters and covid-19 pandemic in Honduras and Nicaragua and build a resilient coffee value chain

The unprecedented social and economic impact of the covid-19 pandemic on people living condition, world economies and supply chains is devastating. In addition, Honduras and Nicaragua faced two dramatic natural disasters in 2020 with hurricanes hitting their land and affecting their coffee producing areas, furthering the economic and humanitarian crisis... Read more

PR – 323/22:

Vanúsia Maria Carneiro Nogueira first woman to be appointed as Executive Director of the ICO

London, 14 February 2022 – The International Coffee Council appointed Mrs Vanúsia Maria Carneiro Nogueira, from Brazil, as the new Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization as of 1 May 2022. With more than twenty years of professional experience in the coffee sector… Read more

PR – 322/22:

World Coffee Statistics Database (WCSD)

London, 31 January 2022 – The International Coffee Organization (ICO) on 31 January 2022 will launch a new online World Coffee Statistics Database (WCSD). This tool is unique in the world and provides a one-stop shop for all coffee-related statistics. The key feature of the database is… Read more

PR – 321/22:

The ICO and its newest Member, Nigeria

London, 1 December 2021 – The International Coffee Organization (ICO) is glad to enter the final stretch of 2021 with the happy news of welcoming Nigeria as a new Member to the Organization. On 30 November 2021, the ICO welcomed the Minister/Deputy Head of IndustryRead more


PR – 320/22:

Alleged impersonation of ICO official by fraudster in Kenya

London, 27 October 2021 The International Coffee Organization (ICO) has recently learned, through reports in the press, that an individual claiming to be an ICO official, by the name of Caroline Karanja, has allegedly engaged in fraudulent activitiesRead more


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