Media Coverage

Media Contact email:
All journalists and photographers applying for accreditation should complete and return the attached media accreditation form and submit proof that they represent a bona fide media organization before attending ICO press briefings and events. Accreditation may be applied for by:
Completing and returning the media accreditation form to the ICO by email (to
Sending a letter of accreditation on official letterhead of the media organization from the Publisher/ Assignment Editor or Bureau Chief, addressed to the ICO’s Executive Director.
This should specify the name and functional title of the journalist or photographer and the period for which accreditation is sought at the ICO.
In the case of freelance journalists, providing a letter of support from the editor of the newspaper or magazine for which coverage will be made, or providing a valid press card.
The ICO must be satisfied that the individuals applying for accreditation are bona fide media professionals and represent bona fide media organizations. Applications are considered on a case-by case basis and the ICO reserves the right to deny or withdraw accreditation of journalists from media organizations who abuse the privileges so extended or put the accreditation to improper use or act in a way not consistent with the principles of the Organization.
Usually held on the last day of Council Sessions in April and September each year, when the Executive Director and Chairs inform the press about the latest coffee market report and the outcome of the meetings. Invitations to attend press briefings are sent out by email to accredited journalists the week before the meetings, together with copies of agendas and other documents. Accredited journalists may also meet delegates from government and the private sector during Council meetings and should confirm their attendance in advance as indicated below.
Important note: Please note that ICO meetings are only open to representatives of ICO Member Governments and invited observers from the private sector and non-member countries. Journalists may not enter ICO meeting rooms other than to attend press briefings or other events to which they have been invited.
For security purposes, accredited journalists should confirm their attendance at the press briefing or at other times during ICO meetings in advance, and request an identification badge at the registration desk on arrival at the ICO. The identification badge should be worn at all times while at the ICO event.
Accredited photographers and TV crews may cover events designated as open to the press on the schedule and the first 3 to 5 minutes of the Council session, with the prior approval of the Chair and Executive Director.
222 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7612 0600
Fax: +44 (0)20 7612 0630
(c) International Coffee Organization