The Coffee
Task Force
The Coffee Public-Private Task Force was established by the International Coffee Organization in 2019, following the signature of the “London Declaration” by 12 private sector companies, and upon the request of the International Coffee Council at its 125th Session. The Task Force is designed to build common ground for a global partnership between the coffee industry and governments, guided by the overriding vision of the sustainability of the sector and prosperity for grower communities.
The overall objective of the Task Force is to build consensus between public and the private actors on priority issues and actions to be implemented in order to ensure a sustainable and fair global coffee sector at the local and global levels. To this end, collaborative public-private partnerships aim to achieve complementary specific objectives: 1. Designing methodologies and strategies to close the income gap for farmers towards prosperity; 2. Enhancing sector-wide transparency on a common understanding of the actual production and the relative efficiency of value transmission; 3. Promoting enabling policies in exporting and importing countries, facilitating national public-private platforms; 4. Driving the resilience of coffee communities by using a landscape approach; 5. Coordinating interventions at the sector level and ensuring full integration of the gender and youth agenda.
The technical workstreams have been activated and started providing the expertise required to close key knowledge gaps, elevate existing research and begin interventions in selected ICO exporting countries on: 1. Defining Living income benchmarks and closing the gap strategies; 2. Establishing cost of production and efficiency gap data; 3. Setting up national dialogue platforms and ensuring viability of regulatory policies; 4. Carrying out landscape assessments to inform strategies on territorial, not exclusively at farm level; 5. Increasing membership from private sector and active participation of public and private sector and observers (coffee stakeholders and development partners); 6. Increasing financial / in-kind contributions from Members, observers and international development cooperation; 7. Linking development with EU, UN agencies and institutions; 8. Building consensus model of Task Force so that it proves relevant, important and recognized by actors of the coffee sector.
Since its inception in 2019, the CPPTF has started to attract increased interest from the private sector, with three additional companies having joined. Moreover, in order to maintain the overall balance of public-private participants, more ICO Members have also been incorporated.
Private Sector | Public Sector |
ECOM Trading Illycaffè S.p.A. JDE Peet’s N.V. Lavazza S.p.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Nestlé S.A. Neumann Kaffee Gruppe Ofi Starbucks Coffee Company Sucafina Sucden Tchibo Volcafe
Indian Coffee Trust National Coffee Association Global Coffee Platform Sustainable Coffee Challenge
Brazil Colombia Côte d’Ivoire Ethiopia European Union Honduras India Indonesia Kenya Mexico El Salvador Papua New Guinea Peru Rwanda Switzerland Togo Vietnam Rwanda Switzerland Togo
ROADMAP 2020-2030

Technical Workstreams are organized according to the thematic areas as identified by the Resolution 465/London Declaration and are expected to produce technical inputs and reports to support the implementation of Task Force commitments and concrete actions. Click below for information and updates on the work of the technical working group.
Joint Data Systems for compliance with EUDR
Interested in joint data systems for compliance with the EU Regulation on deforestation-free products? Join us for this engaging meeting on 25 November 2024, from 13:00 to 15:10 GMT, as part of Technical Workstream 3, ‘Policies and Institutions of Coffee Importing Countries,’ within our Coffee Public-Private Task Force
Meeting agenda:
- A look at joint data systems and services being developed to support EUDR compliance.
- Updates on innovative national systems and examples of global digital public infrastructure.
- A discussion on how public-private sector initiatives can team up to overcome challenges like cooperation, governance, and financing.
Simultaneous translation in EN, SP, and FR languages will be available. Join via Zoom – no registration needed.
Miguel Zamora
Coordinator Coffee Public-Private Task Force – CPPTF
International Coffee Organization
Tel: +44 (0)20 7612 0600
Office: 222 Gray’s Inn Road, London, WC1X 8HB
222 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7612 0600
Fax: +44 (0)20 7612 0630
(c) International Coffee Organization