ICO Events

Upcoming Events

12 Sep 2024

138th International Coffee Council (ICC). International Maritime Organization (IMO), London

11 Sep 2024

 6th CEO & Global Leaders Forum (CGLF). International Maritime Organization (IMO), London

10 Sep 2024

Coffee Sustainability event hosted by the Swiss Ambassador to the UK. Swiss Embassy in London. 

9 Sep 2024

Living & Prosperous Income Sessions. ICO Headquarters

5 Sep 2024

WEBINAR: Towards a Living & Prosperous Income in Mexico 

3 Sep 2024

61st meeting of the Finance and Administration Committee

2 Sep 2024

9th meeting of the Working Group for the Entry into force of the ICA 2022 (WGEF)

27 – 29 Jun 2024

World of Coffee Copenhagen. Denmark

19 Jun 2024

Sustainability in the Coffee Value Chain: from awareness to action 

13 Jun 2024

#02 (RE) Generating value through Circular Economy in Coffee Webinar Series.  

22 May 2024

#01 (RE)Generating value through Circualr Economy in Coffee Webinar Series

21-23 May 2024

XXIV International Coffee Seminar in Santos, Brazil

12 April 2024

Specialty Coffee Expo in Chicago

19 March 2024

137th Session of the International Coffee Council (online)

5 March 2024

60th Meeting Finance and Administration Committee

Past Events

5-6 December 2023

27th Asia International Coffee Conference 2023 (Hanoi, Vietnam)


14 November 2023 

CPPTF Sherpas only (online)

23 September-1st October 2023

5th World Coffee Conference (Bangalore, India) and 136th  Session of the International Coffee Council and associated meetings

30 March 2023

135th  Session of the International Coffee Council and associated meetings

20 March 2023

TW3 Policies & Institutions Importing Countries

16 March 2023

57th Finance and Administration Committee (online)

14 March 2023

CPPTF Sherpas only (12:00 – 14:00 online)

1 March 2023

TW1 Living and Prosperous Incomes (15:00 – 16:30 online)

222 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7612 0600
Fax: +44 (0)20 7612 0630
Email: info@ico.org

(c) International Coffee Organization