Projects Committee (2020/21)
Key Documents
As at 24/09/21
21st Meeting (Virtual)
7 September 2021
London, United Kingdom
- PJ-147/21: Report of the Joint Committee meetings held on 7 September 2021
- PJ-146/21: Terms of Reference for a study on: Building a resilient coffee value chain to mitigate climatic disasters and covid-19 pandemic in Honduras and Nicaragua
- PJ-145/21 Rev. 2: Draft Agenda
20th Meeting (Virtual)
13 April 2021
London, United Kingdom
- PJ-144/21: Report of the Joint Committee meetings held on 13 April 2021
- PJ-143/21: Rapid appraisal of the financing landscape for the coffee sector in Africa – A business case for financing the “missing middle” and last mile borrowers in the African coffee value chains – Terms of Reference
- PJ-142/21: Draft Agenda