CPPTF Members


Adugna Debela Bote is a Senior professional who received his BSc from Jimma University and his MSc and PhD from Wageningen University of the Netherlands (Coffee Ecophysiology and Agronomy). Mr Adugna Debela Bote was head of the Department of Horticulture and Plant Sciences at Jimma University and CEO for Ethiopian Horticulture and Agriculture Investment Authority. Currently, he is Director-General for Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority and President of Ethiopian Horticulture Science Society.

H.E. Aly Toure is the Permanent Representative of Cote d’Ivoire to the International Commodity Organizations and is based In London with sixteen years of experience in the commodity field. He is therefore the interface between the Government of Cote d’Ivoire and the International Commodity Bodies (ICB’s). Prior to that position, he was Deputy Permanent Representative from 2004 to 2010. He was the chairman of the International Grain Council, chairman of the Governing Council of the Common Fund for Commodity, chairman of the Council at the International Coffee Organization, chairman of the Strategic Review Group at the International Coffee Organization. Moreover, he has been chairman of the Economic and Statistic committee at the IRSG, Currently, H. E. Aly Toure is Spokesperson for Cocoa Producing Countries at the International Cocoa Organization and chairman of such Organization. Moreover, he is chairman of the International Sugar Organization, chairman of the International Rubber Study Group (IRSG), chairman of the Finance Committee at the Inter-African Coffee Organization (IACO), and chairman of the Alliance of Cocoa Producing Countries. H.E. Aly Toure is a Graduate from the University of Greenwich in London in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

H.E. Iván Romero Martínez is a career diplomat with over 40 years of experience in the Honduran Foreign Service. Currently, he is Ambassador of Honduras accredited to the Court of St James of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Moreover, H.E. Ivàn Romero is Permanent Representative of Honduras at the ICO and Advisory Minister of the Presidency of Honduras in International Relations. Formerly, he has been Vice President of the UN General Assembly, President of the International Coffee Organization and Dean of the Group of Latin American Ambassadors in London.

Juan Esteban Orduz is the President of Colombian Coffee Federation, Inc., the subsidiary in North America of the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia (FNC). In 2003, Mr Orduz joined the FNC, a non-profit association that represents more than 540,000 Colombian coffee-growing families both domestically and internationally in trade, promotion, economic development policy and government relations matters. Previously, he has been Fellow at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University (2002-2003). In addition to leading all FNC’s commercial, cooperation, marketing and advocacy areas in the region, Mr Orduz’s is responsible for many global initiatives, such as Colombia’s participation in the International Coffee Organization, Colombia’s 100 – 100 Sustainability Program and the World Coffee Producers Forum. Among his vast international experiences in the public and private sectors, Mr Orduz was Minister Plenipotentiary and Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Colombia to the United States in Washington, D.C. (1998-2002). In this context, he has been one of the leaders in the design and implementation of Plan Colombia (the largest U.S.-Colombia bilateral program for security and social and economic development), and of the extension of trade preferences through the Andean Trade Preferences and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA), legal VP of Cemex Colombia, and Associate at Consultores Jurídicos y Económicos and Advisor to the Minister of Economic Development. Mr Orduz serves in many boards of directors in different countries, including the Global Coffee Platform-GCP (Germany, NL), Rainforest Alliance (U.S.A. and NL), the Coffee Quality Institute CQI (USA) and the American Friends of Fundación Cardio-Infantil 501(c) 3 (USA). Moreover, he is Co-Vicechairman of the Advisory Board of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars – Latin American Program (USA, Washington D.C.) and he leads the Colombian delegation to the International Coffee Organization (ICO). Mr Orduz obtained a law degree (J.D.) from El Rosario University in Bogotá, where he received the highest distinction “Colegial de Número” for his academic excellence; he also earned a postgraduate degree in Finance at Los Andes University in Bogotá and is fluent in Spanish (native), English and German.

Dr Leonard Mizzi is Head of Unit at the European Commission, Director-General (DG) for International Cooperation and Development – Rural development, food security and nutrition, since 1st of January 2017. Formerly, he has been Head of Unit for 10 years at DG Agriculture and Rural Development, firstly in charge of agri-trade and development issues (2007-2014) and from 2015-2016 in charge of the inter-institutional unit hence leading the relations with the European Parliament, Council and consultative bodies and well as steering the Civil Dialogue Groups. He is a graduate in Public Administration from the University of Malta (BA Hons First Class), and is a graduate from CIHEAM-Montpellier (MSc) and a PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of Reading (UK). He is the author of several articles and publications on agri-food issues and nutrition in the Mediterranean region. Dr Leonard Mizzi has a broad working experience in the Maltese public administration and the Maltese private sector. He first worked in the Economic Planning Division of the Office of the Prime Minister (Malta) and, from 1996-2006, he was the first Director of the Malta Business Bureau in Brussels, the office of the Malta Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association. He has also been a visiting lecturer at the Boston University (Brussels campus) and the Open University and Malta University. Dr Leonard Mizzi often lectures at the College of Europe in Bruges. His areas of specialisation are Global Food Security Governance, Agriculture and Food and Nutrition Security, the Mediterranean, and Sub Saharan Africa.

Mick Wheeler has worked with and represented the Papua New Guinea Coffee Industry for more than 40 years. Besides that, he has been in charge of a variety of different roles including SCAE Executive Director (2004 to 2011) and Executive Director of the small charity Find Your Feet (1994 – 1997). Mick Wheeler lectured at numerous conferences including the SCAA, SCAE, and the ICO World Coffee Conferences. He has also worked as a consultant for organisations such as FAO, Common Fund for Commodities, the Netherlands CBI, the World Bank, and ITC (co-author and a moderator of “The Coffee Guide” www.thecoffeeguide.org). Mick Wheeler is also the author of several publications on coffee and cocoa. In 2017, he has been awarded an OBE for his services to the Papua New Guinea coffee industry.

Jérémie Bron – SWITZERLAND

Councilor, Deputy Head of the Economics, Finance, Science and Innovation Section at the Embassy of Switzerland in the United Kingdom

Santiago Arguello is the Agricultural Promotion General Manager in the Secretary of Agricultural and Rural Development (SADER) of Mexico. Mr Argüello joined SADER five years ago. During his career of 20 years of experience, he has also worked with nonprofit and profit organizations. He worked for Conservation International Mexico from 2001 to 2005, coordinating in the southern highland of Chiapas (Mexico), the “Conservation Coffee Program”, a flag project to contribute to developing the Purchasing Guide Lines for a key player specialty roaster company. He also worked for nine years for a service provider and trading company in commodities as a Coffee Supply Chain Coordinator to promote and certify on Best Agricultural and Manufacturing Practices all partner suppliers and mills. Thereafter, he became Country Manager for Mexico Coffee Operation and got involved in risk management activities and various business units councils related to genetic improvement, technical assistance and transfer of technology services as well as in decaf & soluble plants for specialty and mainstream coffee. He is an Agro-industrial engineer and also embodies the 3rd generation of a specialty coffee growers family in the buffer zone of the Biosphere Reserve “El Triunfo” in the southern highland of Chiapas, México.

H.E. Guisell Morales-Echaverry is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Nicaragua to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norther Ireland since January 2015. She is also appointed Concurrent Ambassador to Ireland (since September 2016) and Iceland (since November 2018). She is the Permanent Representative of Nicaragua to International Maritime Organization and Representative of Nicaragua to the International Cocoa Organization, the International Sugar Organization and the International Coffee Organisation. In 2012, she was appointed by the Nicaraguan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to serve as Chargée d’Affaires at the Embassy of Nicaragua to United Kingdom. H.E. Guisell Morales-Echaverry was also appointed by the Nicaraguan Supreme Court of Justice as Arbitrator Judge for Conflict Resolution Directorate (DIRAC). From 2006 to 2009, she had been Country Director for Cid Gallup Latin American – International Social Research and Survey Firm. She had been Funder and Senior Partner at “Nicaragua Leagal Office” From 1995 to 2001, and Senior Partner at “Vivas Lugo and Associates from 2001 to 2006. From 1979 to 1994, she worked at the Nicaraguan Ministry of Interior as Chief of Staff, Member of the Minister Special Auxiliary Staff, Advisor to General Secretary and Legal Advisor. H. E. Morales-Echaverry graduated from the Universidad Centro Americana with a Master’s in International Relations in 1994 and she holds a Law degree from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. She was authorized by the Nicaraguan Supreme Court of Justice to exert as Lawyer and Notary, in 1990.


Alessandro Bucci, 52 years old, is the Director of Coffee Procurement Dept. for illycaffè S.p.A. which he joined in 1989. After thirty coffee harvests of experience in the purchase of excellent sustainable quality coffee, having the opportunity to travel around the world visiting coffee plantations and building long-lasting relationships with all the actors of the supply chain, he is convinced that transparency, ethics and passion are the keywords not only to be successful in his career in illy, but also in his personal life. He believes the personal touch is the difference, “show the others your soul and be ready to meet a friend”.

Mr Anil Kumar Bhandari has been a second-generation Coffee Grower in the Karnataka State of India for more than 50 years. Educated in Madras University, Mr Bhandari joined the Managing Committee of Karnataka Planters & Association in 1979 and served the Indian Plantation Industry in various capacities ever since. He has been the Chairman of the State Planters Association in 1989-90 and subsequently after serving more than 13 years on the Managing Committee of the United Planters Association, the apex multi-Plantation Commodity Organization for Southern India, he was its President in 2004-2005. Mr Bhandari was also nominated to the Coffee Board of India for multiple three years terms by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. He was the initiator of India Coffee Trust and is President of the India Coffee Trust, a non-profit multi-stakeholder body committed to promoting the Coffee industry in India. He was instrumental in conceptualizing India International Coffee Festival which has emerged as an authoritative and prominent platform for the Indian Coffee Sector since 2002. Mr Bhandari is the Chairman of Steering Committee of the 5th World Coffee Conference 2020 and is the Chairman of the Private Sector Consultative Board of International Coffee Organization.

Annette Pensel is Executive Director of the Global Coffee Platform (GCP), an inclusive, multi-stakeholder membership association to advance coffee sustainability. Global Coffee Platform’s vision is a thriving, sustainable coffee sector for generations to come. GCP works with its Members and network of public-private Coffee Sustainability Platforms in producing countries towards farmer prosperity, improved livelihoods and well-being, and conservation of nature. Annette believes in the power of glocal collaboration to overcome systemic sustainability challenges: business as usual is not enough to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. She brings close to 20 years of experience in the international coffee sector and in the fields of development cooperation, including corporate sustainability, publicprivate partnerships and programs, capacity building and voluntary sustainability standards. She has lived and worked in Africa, Latin America, South East Asia and Europe, driving successful sustainability programs in agricultural sectors with leading companies, especially in coffee. Her previous roles include senior positions at the 4C Association, where she was responsible to build 4C Association’s network, structures and services at origin and to drive innovations. Creating and expanding partnerships to scale positive impacts of sustainable coffee, she has established productive relationships with key stakeholders ranging from coffee growers to private sector companies, NGO and donor agencies, and government representatives. Annette graduated in Economics, Political Science and Latin American studies from the University of Cologne (Germany) and Tucuman (Argentina). She speaks German, English, Spanish and Portuguese and is now based in Bonn, Germany.

Bambi Semroc is Acting Senior Vice President of the Center for Sustainable Lands and Waters at Conservation International. The Center brings together key elements of sustainable production, water, incentives, and sustainability in priority places. She leads the Sustainable Coffee Challenge, an industrywide effort to make coffee the world’s first sustainable agricultural product. Bambi has been at Conservation International for more than 15 years, always focusing on the food and agriculture sector. Her role engages leading agribusiness companies, retailers and consumer goods companies on sustainable agriculture programs designed to maintain critical natural capital, mitigate climate change, and increase the resiliency of farmers to shocks while maintaining productivity. Bambi works to ensure that these companies have the information and tools necessary to integrate natural capital and ecosystem service considerations into decision-making processes. Throughout this time, she has worked in collaboration with companies such as Starbucks Coffee Company, Walmart, McDonald’s, Nestle, and The Coca-Cola Company.

NADIA HOARAU-MWAURA Sustainability Director at Jacobs Douwe Egberts

Giacomo Celi grew up in Mogadishu, Somalia. As a child, he would often take walks with his grandfather through banana and cotton plantations and listen as he explained about the uniqueness of each crop. These lessons on quality and safety have lasted a lifetime. Years later, Mr Giacomo Celi graduated firstly in Tropical Agriculture at the University of Florence, Italy, and then in Food supply chain management at the Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He started his career in the coffee sector at illycaffé, where he developed a passion and understanding of quality and vertical integration in the coffee value chain. For the past 16 years, Mr Giacomo Celi has been working in the coffee sector covering different roles from procurement to sustainability along with different parts of the value chain. More recently, he joined Mercon Coffee Group and his work has been focused on fostering the company’s purpose of building a better coffee world. “From the coffee-growing communities to the coffee shops, I have witnessed the passion that so many people put in our cups of coffee every day. Sometimes we don’t stop to think about it, but a supply chain is as strong as its weakest link and this is why we must take care of each other”.

Kelly Goodejohn is Vice President of Global Coffee Sustainability and Education at Starbucks, where she’s been working for over 14 years. As part of the company’s aspiration to be resource-positive, she leads the sustainability strategy for coffee, tea and cocoa, focused on ways in which Starbucks can reduce its environmental footprint in green coffee while also positively impacting our suppliers, farmers and their communities. In addition, her team is also responsible for creating engaging ways to connect the company’s partners (employees) through the Starbucks Digital Traceability web tool and other original activities such as the Starbucks Coffee Academy. Kelly Goodejohn had the opportunity to work on many innovative projects at Starbucks, including the $50M Global Farmer Fund, partnering with NGOs to advance women’s empowerment and advocating for industry collaboration through the Conservation International’s Sustainable Coffee Challenge. She has built productive relationships with stakeholders to advance and scale the impact one can have, in the context of her Director role at World Coffee Research and her Leadership Circle role at the Sustainable Food Lab. With over 25 years of sustainability experience, Kelly Goodejohn has a relentless commitment to making a difference for all. She and her husband have two daughters and while they haven’t acquired a taste for coffee (yet) they embraced the concept of sustainability and of taking care of the planet.

DANIELE BUZZETTI – BIO Daniele is an Italian and Swiss citizen, he is currently based in Switzerland, having lived in 6 countries, and worked on the field across Asia, LatAm and Africa. Daniele holds an INSEAD MBA and has 20 years of experience in Marketing, Sales & Strategy for L’Oréal and Nestlé, he is now Head of Strategy & ESG at Nestlé Coffee Brands. He brings over 10 years’ experience in coffee, including first-hand insights from coffee regions, as Managing Director of Nespresso for Colombia, Panama, and Dominican Republic. He believes in creating shared value, empowering farmers communities and is passionate about creating a positive impact to enhance people’s lives.

Marcelo Burity has 20 years of experience in coffee procurement and sustainability as buyer, manager and Global Head of Coffee Procurement at Nestlé. Since 2015, he has been Head of Green Coffee Development for Nestlé Beverages Business and responsible for global coordination of coffee sustainability, quality and research.

Liesbeth Kamphuis is the recently appointed Global Sustainability Director at Volcafe Ltd. Since joining in June 2020, she has been leading the organisation’s sustainability efforts to support Volcafe’s vision of a thriving and sustainable coffee business for all. Liesbeth Kamphuis, who has held several positions in the banking sector, has more than 15 years’ experience in financing and sustainable financing. Before joining Volcafe she was Head of Impact Banking at ABN AMRO where she was responsible for structuring, developing and monitoring a portfolio of impact banking loans to drive change in the food and agriculture value chain.

Mario Cerutti was born in Torino (Italy) in 1958. He graduated in Business Administration at the University of Torino and got an MBA from the University of Dallas. Mario Cerutti has been working in Lavazza since 1986. Currently, he is Chief Institutional Relations and Sustainability Officer in Lavazza. He has been President of the European Coffee Federation (ECF) from 2017 to 2020 and he served as president in ECF also from 2004 to 2007. He is currently serving as President of the Italian Coffee Committee (CIdC – Comitato Italiano del Caffè), the association of large Italian coffee companies, as a member of Coffee & Climate Steering Committee and as a member of the board of the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC). He is a board member of ICP (International Coffee Partners).

Niels Haak is Senior Manager Sustainable Coffee at Conservation International, a globally operating non-for-profit working to ensure a healthy, more prosperous planet that supports the well-being of people. In this role, Niels leads Conservation International’s European engagement with public and private actors in the coffee sector to influence policies and find solutions that will drive sustainability throughout the coffee supply chain. He actively contributes to Conservation International’s efforts to convene and facilitate the Sustainable Coffee Challenge – a dynamic and diverse coalition of partners from across the coffee sector dedicated to making coffee the words first sustainable agricultural product. Before joining CI in 2015, Niels served as a policy advisor at the ‘Royal Dutch Coffee and Tea Association’ the umbrella organization for the coffee and tea industry in the Netherlands. Niels holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in International Communication from the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen and a Master of Science (MSc) in European Studies from the University of Twente.

Paula Mejía serves as a Program Manager at the Sustainable Business Unit at Neumann Kaffee Gruppe. With more than eight years of successful experience in the areas of development and sustainability both in the private and civil sector, she regularly partakes in various multi-stakeholder initiatives to contribute to the global sustainability agenda. She specializes in environmental management and human rights as key pillars to achieving sustainable development and currently focuses on ameliorating the lives of smallholder farmers along the coffee value chain. While her engagements have taken her around the world, Paula is proud to call both Colombia and Germany home.

Since 2019, Reena Eddiks represents Tchibo in the Coffee Public-Private Task Force. She graduated with Honours in International Communication at the Hanze University Groningen, Netherlands, and had her first coffee exposure during an internship at Kraft Foods. In 2009, she joined the Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung as communication expert where she built up the professional communication of diverse coffee sustainability initiatives and entities. During the subsequent eight years, Reena fell in love with coffee and the various challenges that come with it. In 2017, she started her assignment as Sustainability Manager for Volcafe in Switzerland, coordinating the global activities of the trading house worldwide. In 2019, she joined the Corporate Responsibility team of Tchibo, applying her experience to drive the implementation of the sustainability strategy of the German coffee roaster.

William “Bill” Murray is President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Coffee Association, U.S.A. (NCA), a role he has held since June 2014. He leads NCA’s advocacy, regulatory, and member support activities on behalf of the hundreds of coffee- focused organizations that comprise NCA’s membership. Prior to joining NCA, Bill Murray was Chief Executive Officer of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), the world’s largest professional society for public relations practitioners and students with more than 32,000 members. Before joining PRSA, he worked in Hollywood for more than 20 years, capping his career as Executive Vice President and CoChief Operating Officer at the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), which represented the $40 billion U.S.-based audiovisual entertainment industry.

Justin Archer has worked in coffee for 27 years, mostly in senior management positions at origin in East Africa. He is the Global Head of Sustainability for SUCAFINA SA, a Swiss based trading company with operations in more than 32 countries. He has a Masters in Agricultural Economics and an MBA from the BI Business School in Oslo. He lives with his family in Kampala, Uganda.


Executive Director and Ex-Officio Chair of the Task Force

Head of Operations and Alternate Ex-Officio Chair of the Task Force

222 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7612 0600
Fax: +44 (0)20 7612 0630
Email: info@ico.org

(c) International Coffee Organization