Document Library

Report of the 59th Meeting of the Finance and Administration Committee held on 7 September 2023

Published Date: 21 September 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Communication from Vietnam

FA-352/23 Rev. 1
Published Date: 07 September 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Report on outstanding contributions for coffee year 2022/23 and previous coffee years

Published Date: 06 September 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Draft agenda

FA-354/23 Rev. 2
Published Date: 06 September 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Communication from Russia

Published Date: 06 September 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French


FA-358/23 Rev. 1
Published Date: 05 September 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Draft agenda

FA-354/23 Rev. 1
Published Date: 05 September 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French


Published Date: 22 August 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Draft Administrative Budget for financial year 2023/24

FA-342/23 Rev. 2
Published Date: 22 August 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

New auditor

Published Date: 22 August 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Financial situation as at 31 July 2023

Published Date: 22 August 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Draft agenda

Published Date: 22 August 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Report of the 58th Meeting of the Finance and Administration Committee held on 16 June 2023

Published Date: 07 July 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Report on collection of contributions from Members in arrears

Published Date: 12 June 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Draft Agenda

FA-349/23 Rev. 1
Published Date: 26 May 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Communication from Vietnam: Payment of arrears in contributions to the Administrative Budget

Published Date: 26 May 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Financial Situation

Published Date: 23 May 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Draft Agenda

Published Date: 23 May 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Report of the 57th Meeting of the FAC held on 16 March 2023

FA-348/23 Rev. 1
Published Date: 29 March 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Report of the 57th Meeting of the FAC held on 16 March 2023

Published Date: 27 March 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Report on outstanding contributions for coffee year 2022/23 and previous coffee years

Published Date: 14 March 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Salary scale and basis for contribution to the Provident Fund for staff in the General Service and Professional and Higher categories

Published Date: 03 March 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Accounts of the Promotion Fund of the Organization for financial year 2021/22

Published Date: 03 March 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Trust Fund Accounts of the Organization for financial year 2021/22 and Report of the Auditors

Published Date: 03 March 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Special Fund Accounts of the Organization for financial year 2021/22 and Report of the Auditors

Published Date: 03 March 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Administrative Accounts of the Organization for financial year 2021/22 and Report of the Auditors

Published Date: 03 March 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Draft Administrative Budget for financial year 2023/24

Published Date: 03 March 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Financial Situation as at 31 January 2023

Published Date: 03 March 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Draft Agenda

Published Date: 31 January 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Report of the Finance and Administration Committee meeting held on 3 October 2022

Published Date: 20 October 2022
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Plurinational State of Bolivia: Payment of arrears in contributions to the Administrative Budget

Published Date: 03 October 2022
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

31 results were found



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(c) International Coffee Organization