Document Library

Ambassador Iván Romero-Martínez of Honduras elected as Chair of the International Coffee Council for coffee year 2021/22

Published Date: 30 September 2021
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

1 October 2021 - Coffee’s Next Generation campaign continues for International Coffee Day, and ICO will be a part of World Food Forum

Published Date: 23 September 2021
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Third CEO and Global Leaders Forum of the coffee sector: the government and private sector join together to commit to address the challenges of climate change, the covid-19 pandemic, and market volatility and to work towards a sustainable future

Published Date: 14 September 2021
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

The 3rd CEO & Global Leaders Forum held on 8 September 2021 and the 130th Session of the International Coffee Council to be held on 9 and 10 September 2021

Published Date: 08 September 2021
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Official engagement groups i=of the G20: the Yout20 Summit 2021

Published Date: 13 April 2021
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

The ICO and its newest Member, the United Kingdom, explore ‘The Value of Coffee’

Published Date: 28 January 2021
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

The ICO commits to Mobilizing vital resources for victims of Hurricane Iota and Et

Published Date: 28 December 2020
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

ICO’s public and private task force shifts the future of the coffee sector towards a prosperous income for coffee farmers

Published Date: 29 October 2020
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

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(c) International Coffee Organization