International Coffee Council 2021/22
Key Documents
As at 2 November 2022
134th Session
6 and 7 October 2022
- ICC-134-11: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 134th Session of the International Coffee Council
- ICC-134-9: Procedure for Addressing Significant Discrepancies in Exports/Imports data
- ICC-134-8: Joint Communiqué – Taking action in turbulent times
- ICC-134-7: Programme of Activities for coffee year 2022/23 and allocation of funds
- ICC-134-6: Administrative Budget for financial year 2022/23
- ICC-134-5: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, H.E. Mr Iván Romero-Martínez, made at the opening ceremony of the 134rd Session of the Council
- ICC-134-4 Rev. 1: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year coffee year 2021/22
- ICC-134-3: Initial distribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2022/23 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (6) of Article 12 of the International Coffee Agreement 2007
- ICC-134-2: Maximum Residue Limits
- ICC-134-1: Mixtures and substitutes
- ICC-134-0 Rev. 2: Draft Agenda
Working Papers
- WP-Council 327/22: Appointment of office holders and Committee representatives for coffee year 2022/23
- WP-Council 326/22: Proposed resolution on signature of the International Coffee Agreement 2022
133rd Session
8 and 9 June 2022
- ICC-133-7: International Coffee Agreement 2022
- ICC-133-6: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 133rd Session of the International Coffee Council
- ICC-133-4: Declaração da Diretora-Executiva da Organização Internacional do Café, feita na cerimônia de abertura da 133.a sessão do Conselho
- ICC-133-3: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, H.E. Mr Iván Romero-Martínez, made at the opening ceremony of the 133rd Session of the Council
- ICC-133-2: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2021/22 (Calculated as at 6 June 2022)
- ICC-133-1: Initial distribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2021/22 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (6) of Article 12 of the International Coffee Agreement 2007 (Calculated as at 6 June 2022)
- ICC-133-0: Draft Agenda
Working Papers
- WP-Council 325/22 Rev. 1: Proposed amendments to the draft of the International Coffee Agreement 2022
- WP-Council 324/22: Draft dates to be included in the International Coffee Agreement 2022
- WP-Council 323/22: Draft Resolution – Depositary for the International Coffee Agreement 2022
- WP-Council 322/22 Rev. 1: Draft Resolution – International Coffee Agreement 2022
132nd Session
31 March and 1 April 2022
- ICC-132-8: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 132nd Session of the International Coffee Council (31 March and 1 April 2022)
- ICC-132-6: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, H.E. Mr Iván Romero-Martínez, made at the opening ceremony of the 132nd Session of the Council
- ICC-132-5: Proposal by CPPTF regarding implementation of the Roadmap in Technical Workstream # 3 Forum
- ICC-132-4: Coffee Public-Private Task Force: Concept Note 2022-26
- ICC-132-3: Decision of the Council – Draft of the new International Coffee Agreement (ICA)
- ICC-132-2: Statement by the Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, made at the closing ceremony of the 132th Session of the Council
- ICC-132-1 Rev. 1: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2021/22 Calculated as at 21 March 2022
- ICC-132-0 Rev. 2: Draft Agenda
Working Papers
- WP-Council 321/22 Rev. 1: Decision of the Council – Draft of the new International Coffee Agreement (ICA)
131st Session
Special Session
9 February 2022
- ICC-131-4: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 131st Session of the International Coffee Council (9 and 10 February 2022)
- ICC-131-2: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, H.E. Mr Iván Romero-Martínez, made at the opening ceremony of the 131st Session of the Council
- ICC-131-1 Rev. 2: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2021/22 – Calculated as at 8 February 2022
- ICC-131-0 Rev. 2: Draft Agenda
Working Papers
- Bilateral consultations – Latest version of the Schedule
- WP-Council 320/21: Draft procedures for presentations to be made by candidates for the post of Executive Director
- WP-Council 319/21 Rev. 2: Post of Executive Director of the ICO – Voting procedures
- WP-Council 318/21 Rev 2: Draft Resolution – Restoration of voting rights of Viet Nam