Key Documents (2020/21)
Key Documents
As at 7 October 2021
- International Coffee Agreement 2007
- 50 year review (1963-2013)
- Annual review
- Guide to hosting meetings of the International Coffee Council and the World Coffee Conference (ICC-122-19)
- Terms of reference for Committees and advisory bodies (ICC-115-13)
- Five-Year Action Plan for the International Coffee Organization
- Development strategy for coffee
- Programme of activities of the Organization for coffee year 2020/21
- Belo Horizonte declaration
- Rules of the International Coffee Organization (ICO) (ICC-102-7)
- Financial Rules and Financial Regulations of the ICO (ICC-102-8)
- Rules on Statistics – Certificates of Origin (ICC-102-9 Rev. 4)
- Rules on Statistics – Statistical Reports (ICC-102-10)
- Rules on Statistics – Indicator Prices (ICC-105-17 Rev. 1)
- Conversion factors for roasted, decaffeinated, liquid and soluble coffee
- List of exporting countries and their country codes, ICO Certifying Agents and registered ports of export (ICC-130-14)
- Data concepts and variables used in the statistics of the Organization (SC-59/15)
- Coffee Quality-Improvement Programme (ICC Resolution No. 420)
- Plan for Promotion and Market Development (ICC-109-13)