World Coffee Statistics Database
Launched on 31 January 2022, it is the repository of one of the richest/largest coffee data sets in the world, housing the ICO’s coffee data. Trade, prices, production, consumption, inventories are the main focus of the WCSD, with data available in a monthly format starting from October 1963. The key feature of the database is its ability to generate reports on a disaggregated basis, giving analysts and users of ICO’s coffee statistics a simple control and access to its data set. Access to the WCSD is open only to either the Members of the ICO or subscribers to one of the Statistical Publications*.
The main vehicle of the ICO in the dissemination of the latest volume and trend of the global coffee trade. It covers the 6 immediate past months of exports of all exporting countries, as well as the imports and re-exports of major non-producing countries. 12 months of exports of Arabica and Robusta for all exporting countries are also covered within the MTS. The subscription to the MTS is linked with access to the respective areas of the WCSD.
Comprehensive coverage of the global coffee industry is the focus of the QSB. Trade (volume and value), production, consumption, inventories, prices (CIP, prices to growers and retail prices) and economic data are found within the QSB. The data coverage is global, with individual breakouts for all exporters and major consumers, and where appropriate grouped into regions. Data are in a combination of monthly, quarterly and annual for the past 6 years. The subscription to the QSB is linked with access to the respective areas of the WCSD.
The Coffee Report and Outlook is a new bi-annual report providing a snapshot of the past and current coffee years’ production and consumption. Annex contains a comprehensive production and consumption data for five historic years and current year data for 192 consuming countries and 54 producing countries delivered by email.
- All Inclusive Package
- Publications Package
- Monthly Trade Statistics (MTS)
- Quarterly Statistical Bulletin (QSB)
- Coffee Report and Outlook (CRO)
- Daily Prices
- Customized data service
Monthly delivery via email of ICO’s flagship regular trade statistical publication, and access to the World Coffee Statistics Database (WCSD)
£750 (purchase)
Quarterly delivery via email of trade, prices, production, consumption and consumption per capita data and access to the World Coffee Statistics Database (WCSD) linked with QSB
£600 (purchase)
Delivery via email of the annex, containing a comprehensive snapshot of production and consumption data for five historic years and current year data for 192 consuming countries and 54 producing countries. £500 (purchase)
ICO’s Composite Indicator Price, four group indicators and regional market split
£1200 (purchase)
Limited number of customized data retrievals and deliveries via email
Minimum £250 per request, but available free to “Publications /Services” Package subscribers (purchase)
To purchase specific reports from the ICO Statistics section please visit our store.

222 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7612 0600
Fax: +44 (0)20 7612 0630
(c) International Coffee Organization