Meetings & Documents
List of Meetings and Documents
- Executive Director Communications
- International Coffee Council
- Finance and Administration Committee
- Private Sector Consultative Board
- Projects Committee
- Promotion and Market Development Committee
- Statistics Committee
- Working Group on the Future of the ICA
- Coffee Public-Private Task Force
- Core Group on the Consultative Forum
- Small High-level Working Group on the Budget
- Decisions and Resolutions of the Council
- Depositary Notifications
- Coffee Market Report
- Key documents
- Press Releases
- Technical Presentations
- Working Group on SR
- Coffee Break Series
International Coffee Council
Coffee year 2022/23
135th Session
30 March 2023
London, United Kingdom
- ICC-135-6: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 135th Session of the International Coffee Council
- ICC-135-4: Establishment of a Working Group for the entry into force of the International Coffee Agreement 2022
- ICC-135-3: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, Mr Massimiliano Fabian, made at the opening ceremony of the 135th Session of the Council
- ICC-135-2:Implementation of the Roadmap in Technical Workstream 3 Policies and Institutions Importing Countries
- ICC-135-1 Rev. 1: Redistribution of votes for coffee year 2022/23
- ICC-135-0 Rev. 2:Draft Agenda
Coffee year 2021/22
134th Session
6 and 7 October 2022
Bogotá, Colombia
- ICC-134-11 Rev. 1: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 134th Session of the International Coffee Council
- ICC-134-9: Procedure for Addressing Significant Discrepancies in Exports/Imports data
- ICC-134-8: Joint Communiqué – Taking action in turbulent times
- ICC-134-7: Programme of Activities for coffee year 2022/23 and allocation of funds
- ICC-134-6: Administrative Budget for financial year 2022/23
- ICC-134-5: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, H.E. Mr Iván Romero-Martínez, made at the opening ceremony of the 134th Session of the Council
- ICC-134-4 Rev. 1: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year coffee year 2021/22
- ICC-134-3: Initial distribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2022/23 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (6) of Article 12 of the International Coffee Agreement 2007
- ICC-134-2 Rev. 1: Maximum Residue Limits
- ICC-134-1: Mixtures and substitutes
- ICC-134-0 Rev. 2:Draft Agenda
Working Papers
- WP-Council 327/22: Appointment of office holders and Committee representatives for coffee year 2022/23
- WP-Council 326/22:Proposed resolution on signature of the International Coffee Agreement 2022
133rd Session
8 and 9 June 2022
- ICC-133-7: International Coffee Agreement 2022
- ICC-133-6: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 133rd Session of the International Coffee Council
- ICC-133-4: Declaração da Diretora-Executiva da Organização Internacional do Café, feita na cerimônia de abertura da 133.asessão do Conselho
- ICC-133-3: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, H.E. Mr Iván Romero-Martínez, made at the opening ceremony of the 133rd Session of the Council
- ICC-133-2: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2021/22 (Calculated as at 6 June 2022)
- ICC-133-1: Initial distribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2021/22 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (6) of Article 12 of the International Coffee Agreement 2007 (Calculated as at 6 June 2022)
- ICC-133-0:Draft Agenda
Working Papers
- WP-Council 322/22 Rev. 1:Draft Resolution – International Coffee Agreement 2022
- WP-Council 323/22:Draft Resolution – Depositary for the International Coffee Agreement 2022
- WP-Council 324/22:Draft dates to be included in the International Coffee Agreement 2022
WP-Council 325/22 Rev. 1: Proposed amendments to the draft of the International Coffee Agreement 2022
132nd Session
31 March and 1 April 2022
- ICC-132-8: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 132nd Session of the International Coffee Council (31 March and 1 April 2022)
- ICC-132-6: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, H.E. Mr Iván Romero-Martínez, made at the opening ceremony of the 132ndSession of the Council
- ICC-132-5: Proposal by CPPTF regarding implementation of the Roadmap in Technical Workstream # 3 Forum
- ICC-132-4: Coffee Public-Private Task Force: Concept Note 2022-26
- ICC-132-3: Decision of the Council – Draft of the new International Coffee Agreement (ICA)
- ICC-132-2: Statement by the Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, made at the closing ceremony of the 132th Session of the Council
- ICC-132-1 Rev. 1: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2021/22 Calculated as at 21 March 2022
- ICC-132-0 Rev. 2:Draft Agenda
Working Papers
- WP-Council 321/22 Rev. 1: Decision of the Council – Draft of the new International Coffee Agreement (ICA)
131st Session
Special Session
9 February 2022
- ICC-131-4: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 131stSession of the International Coffee Council (9 and 10 February 2022)
- ICC-131-2: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, H.E. Mr Iván Romero-Martínez, made at the opening ceremony of the 131stSession of the Council
- ICC-131-1 Rev. 2:Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2021/22 – Calculated as at 8 February 2022
- ICC-131-0 Rev. 2:Draft Agenda
Working Papers
- Bilateral consultations – Latest version of the Schedule
- WP-Council 320/21: Draft procedures for presentations to be made by candidates for the post of Executive Director
- WP-Council 319/21 Rev. 2: Post of Executive Director of the ICO – Voting procedures
- WP-Council 318/21 Rev 2:Draft Resolution – Restoration of voting rights of Viet Nam
Coffee year 2020/21
130th Session
Virtual Session
9 and 10 September 2021
London, United Kingdom
- ICC-130-16: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 130th Session of the International Coffee Council – 9 and 10 September 2021
- ICC-130-14: List of exporting countries and their country codes, ICO Certifying Agents and registered ports of export
- ICC-130-13: Implementation of the Roadmap (a) list of potential target countries to undertake income and landscape assessment; (b) process and criteria for the selection of target countries and landscapes
- ICC-130-12: Joint Communiqué – Open Letter to the worldwide community of coffee farmers, workers, consumers and citizens
- ICC-130-11: Proposal by CPPTF regarding implementation of the Roadmap: commitments and targets of Technical Workstream Market Transparency
- ICC-130-10: Programme of Activities for coffee year 2021/22 and allocation of funds
- ICC-130-9: Administrative Budget for financial year 2021/22
- ICC-130-7: Statement by the Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, made at the opening ceremony of the 130th Session of the Council
- ICC-130-6: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, Mr John Muldowney, made at the opening ceremony of the 130th Session of the Council
- ICC-130-5: Nomination for the post of Executive Director – Mr Tran Kim Long – Endorsed by the Government Vietnam
- ICC-130-4: Nomination for the post of Executive Director – Mr Joseph Antoine Kasonga Mukuta – Endorsed by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- ICC-130-3: Nomination for the post of Executive Director – Mrs Vanúsia Maria Carneiro Nogueira – Endorsed by the Government of Brazil
- ICC-130-2 Rev. 2: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2020/21 – Calculated as at 22 September 2021
- ICC-130-1 Rev. 1: Initial distribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2021/22 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (6) of Article 12 of the International Coffee Agreement 2007 (Calculated as at 22 September 2021)
- ICC-130-0 Rev. 3:Draft Agenda
Working Papers
- FA-256/21 Rev. 10: Exchange of correspondence between Vietnam and the Chair of the Finance and Administration Committee
- CPPTF-4/21: Proposal by CPPTF regarding implementation of the Roadmap in Technical Workstreams # 1 and # 4
- CPPTF-3/21: Proposal by CPPTF regarding joint Communiqué – Open Letter to the worldwide community of coffee farmers, workers, consumers and citizens
- CPPTF-2/21: Proposal by CPPTF regarding implementation of the Roadmap
- WP-Council 317/21: Membership of the Private Sector Consultative Board – nominations for coffee years 2021/22 and 2022/23
- WP-Council 316/21:International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Draft Resolution extending the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
- WP-Council 315/21:Extension of the International Coffee Agreement 2007
- WP-Council 314/21:Appointment of office holders and Committee representatives for coffee year 2021/22
129th Session
Virtual Session
15 and 16 April 2021
London, United Kingdom
- ICC-129-9: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 129th Session of the International Coffee Council – 15 and 16 April 2021
- ICC-129-8 Rev. 1: Report on Credentials – List of Delegations
- ICC-129-7: Terms of Reference – Establishment of a Public-Private Task Force and related Technical Workstreams for the implementation of Resolution 465 and the London Declaration
- ICC-129-6: Council Decision on the appointment of the Executive Director: Procedures and schedule – Terms of reference
- ICC-129-3: Statement by the Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, made at the opening ceremony of the 129th Session of the Council
- ICC-129-2: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, Mr John Muldowney, made at the opening ceremony of the 129th Session of the Council
- ICC-129-1: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2020/21 – Calculated as at 7 April 2021
- ICC-129-0 Rev. 4:Draft Agenda
- SF-47/21: Communication from PROMECAFE
- SF-46/20:Communication from PROMECAFE
Working Papers
- WP-Council 313/21 Rev. 1:Appointment of the Executive Director: Procedures and Schedule – Terms of reference
128th Session (Special)
Virtual Session
28 October 2020
London, United Kingdom
- ICC-128-8: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 128th Special Session of the International Coffee Council held on 28 October 2020
- ICC-128-7: Credentials Report – List of Delegations
- ICC-128-6: Programme of Activities for the Organization for coffee year 2020/21
- ICC-128-5: Communiqué 2020 – Pursuing Economic Sustainability for an Inclusive and resilient Global Coffee Sector
- ICC-128-4: Administrative Budget for financial year 2020/21
- ICC-128-3: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, Mr John Muldowney, made at the opening ceremony of the 128th Session of the Council
- ICC-128-2: Statement by the Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, made at the opening ceremony of the 128thSpecial Session of the Council
- ICC-128-1: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2020/21 – Calculated as at 23 October 2020
- ICC-128-0 Rev. 1:Draft Agenda
- FA-255/20 Rev. 1:Programme of Activities for the Organization for coffee year 2020/21
Working Papers
- WP-Council 312/20: Contributions to the Administrative Budget for financial year 2020/21
- WP-Council 310/20 Rev. 2:Agenda Item 6. Coffee Public-Private Task Force (CPPTF) and CEO & Global Leader Forum (CGLF) – Communiqué
Coffee year 2019/20
127th Session
Virtual Session
10 and 11 September 2020
London, United Kingdom
- ICC-127-7: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 127th Session of the International Coffee Council – 10 and 11 September 2020
- ICC-127-6: Report on Credentials – List of Delegations
- ICC-127-5: Statement by the Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, made at the opening ceremony of the 127th Session of the Council
- ICC-127-4: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, H.E. Mr Iman Pambagyo, made at the opening ceremony of the 127th Session of the Council
- ICC-127-3: Communication from Brazil
- ICC-127-2 Rev. 3: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2019/20 – Calculated as at 3 September 2020
- ICC-127-1: Initial distribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2020/21 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (6) of Article 12 of the International Coffee Agreement 2007 (Calculated as at 11 September 2020)
- ICC-127-0 Rev. 4:Draft Agenda
Working Papers
- WP-Council 311/20: Provisional dates of meetings in coffee year 2020/21 and 2021/2022
- WP-Council 310/20: Communiqué 2020 – Pursuing economic sustainability for an inclusive and resilient global coffee sector
- WP-Council 309/20: Appointment of office holders and Committee representatives for coffee year 2020/21
- WP-Council 308/20: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Draft Resolution extending the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
- WP-Council 307/20: Extension of the International Coffee Agreement 2007
126th Session (Special)
Virtual Session
4 and 5 June 2020
London, United Kingdom
- ICC-126-6: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 126th Session of the International Coffee Council – 4 and 5 June 2020
- ICC-126-5: Report on Credentials – List of Delegations
- ICC-126-4: Statement by the Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, made at the opening ceremony of the 126th Session of the Council
- ICC-126-3: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, H.E. Mr Iman Pambagyo, made at the opening ceremony of the 126th Session of the Council
- ICC-126-2: Obstacles to consumption: Tariff and non-tariff measures and their impact on the coffee sector – Interim Report
- ICC-126-1 Rev 2: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2019/20 – Calculated as at 2 June 2020
- ICC-126-0 Rev. 3:Draft Agenda
Working Papers
- WP-Council 306/20: Draft Resolution – Restoration of voting rights of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- WP-Council 305/20: Draft Resolution – Restoration of voting rights of Malawi
- WP-Council 304/20: Draft Resolution on temporary suspension of Members in persistent arrears
Special Fund Documents:
Coffee year 2018/19
125th Session
23 to 27 September 2019
London, United kingdom
- ICC-125-15: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 125thSession of the International Coffee Council – 23-27 September 2019
- ICC-125-14: Report on credentials – List of Delegations
- ICC-125-13: National coffee policy of Viet Nam – Statement by H.E Mr Le Quoc Doanh, Vice Minister Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development at the 125thSession of the International Coffee Council on 26 September 2019
- ICC-125-12: Administrative Budget for financial year 2019/20
- ICC-125-11: Programme of Activities for the Organization for coffee year 2019/20
- ICC-125-10: Decision of the International Coffee Council at its 125thSession
- ICC-125-9: Statement by the Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, made at the opening ceremony of the 125th Session of the Council
- ICC-125-8: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, for the opening ceremony of the 125th Session of the Council
- ICC-125-7: Admission of observers
- ICC-125-6: Joint Declaration between the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the International Coffee Organization
- ICC-125-5: Progress report on achieving the objectives of the 2007 Agreement
- ICC-125-4: Memorandum of Understanding between RSAC, GEOLAT, Fedecafé and the International Coffee Organization(Available in English and Spanish only)
- ICC-125-3: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Membership as at 9 August 2019
- ICC-125-2 Rev. 2: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2018/19 – Calculated as at 23 September 2019
- ICC-125-1: Initial distribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2019/20 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (6) of Article 12 of the International Coffee Agreement 2007 (Calculated as at 4 September 2019)
- ICC-125-0 Rev. 2: Draft Agenda
Working documents
- WP-Council 302/19: Draft London Declaration on price levels, price volatility and the long-term sustainability of the coffee sector (Submitted by the CEO & Global Leaders Forum of the coffee sector)
- WP-Council 301/19: Membership of the Private Sector Consultative Board – nominations for coffee years 2019/20 and 2020/21
- WP-Council 300/19: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Draft Resolution extending the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
- WP-Council 299/19:Appointment of office holders and Committee representatives for coffee year 2019/20
124th Session
25 to 29 March 2019
Nairobi, Kenya
- ICC-124-20: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 124thSession of the International Coffee Council – 25-29 March 2019
- ICC-124-19: Report on credentials – List of Delegations
- ICC-124-18: Vote of thanks to the Government of Kenya by the 124thInternational Coffee Council, held from 25-29 March 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya
- ICC-124-17: Summary report of the Sustainability Seminar ‘Coffee: How sustainable is our future?’
- ICC-124-16: Decisions by the 124thInternational Coffee Council to reinforce the terms and support the implementation of Resolution 465 on Coffee Price Levels
- ICC-124-15:Decision of the Council – Establishment of a Working Group on the Future of the International Coffee Agreement
- ICC-124-14: Communication by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, for the opening ceremony of the124th Session of the Council
- ICC-124-13: Statement by the President of the Republic of Kenya, made at the opening ceremony of the 124th Session of the Council
- ICC-124-12: Statement by the Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, made at the opening ceremony of the 124th Session of the Council
- ICC-124-11: Remarks by the Hon. Mwangi Kiunjuri, Mgh, Egh, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation, made at the opening ceremony of the 124th Session of the Council
- ICC-124-10: Updated Report on the implementation of Resolution 465 on Coffee Price Levels – Implications on the work of the Secretariat and actions taken
- ICC-124-9: Country Coffee Profile: Vietnam
- ICC-124-8: Country Coffee Profile: Uganda
- ICC-124-7: Country Coffee Profile: Kenya
- ICC-124-6: Profitability of coffee farming in selected Latin American countries – interim report
- ICC-124-5: Futures markets: the role of non-commercial traders
- ICC-124-4: Survey on the impact of low coffee prices on exporting countries
- ICC-124-3: International Coffee Agreement 2007 Membership as at 1 March 2019
- ICC-124-2: Admission of observers
- ICC-124-1 Rev. 1: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2018/19 – Calculated as at 18 March 2019
- ICC-124-0 Rev. 2:Draft Agenda
- ICC-105-17 Add. 4:Share of markets and their weightings in the calculation of group and composite prices from 1 October 2019
Working documents
- WP-Council 298/19: Draft Resolution on Coffee Price Levels – Submitted by exporting countries
- WP-Council 297/19 Rev. 1:Establishment of a Working Group on the Future of the International Coffee Agreement – Proposal submitted by the Finance and Administration Committee
123rd Session (Special)
14 November 2018
London, United Kingdom
- ICC-123-5: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 123ndSession of the International Coffee Council – 14 November 2018
- ICC-123-4: Report on credentials – List of delegations
- ICC-123-3: Administrative Budget for the financial year 2018/19
- ICC-123-2: Report on the implementation of Resolution 465 on Coffee Price Levels – Implications on the work of the Secretariat and actions taken
- ICC-123-1:Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2018/1- Calculated as at 5 November 2018
- ICC-123-0 Rev. 1:Draft Agenda
Working documents
- WP-Council 296/18 Rev. 2:Draft Resolution on Members in persistent arrears
- FA-173/18 Rev. 3:Draft Administrative Budget for the financial year 2018/19
Coffee year 2017/18
122nd Session
17 – 21 September 2018
London, United Kingdom
- ICC-122-25: Reporting framework for the Five-Year Action Plan and the Programme of Activities
- ICC-122-24: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 122nd Session of the Internationational Coffee Council, 17-21 September 2018
- ICC-122-23: Statement by the Honourable Minister of State of the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment of Nigeria, Ms Aisha Abubakar, to the 122nd Session of the International Coffee Council on 20 September, 2018
- ICC-122-22: Statement by Dr Le Quoc Doanh, Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, to the 122nd Session of the International Coffee Council on 20 September, 2018
- ICC-122-21: Report on credentials – List of Delegations
- ICC-122-20: Memorandum of Understanding between the International Coffee Organization and the International Women’s Coffee Alliance
- ICC-122-19: Guide to hosting meetings of the International Coffee Council and the World Coffee Conference
- ICC-122-18: Programme of Activities for the Organization for coffee year 2018/19
- ICC-122-17: Presentation by Ms Luiza Carvalho, Regional Director, UN Women for the Americas and the Caribbean, at the Opening Ceremony of the 122nd Session of the International Coffee Council on 17 September 2018
- ICC-122-16: Submission by the Government of Indonesia
- ICC-122-15: Statement delivered by the Head of Operations, Mr Gerardo Patacconi, on behalf of the Executive Director of the ICO, Mr José Sette, at the Opening Ceremony of the 122nd Session of the International Coffee Council on 17 September 2018
- ICC-122-14: Statement by the Chair of the International Coffee Council, H.E. Mr Aly Touré, at the opening ceremony of the 122nd Session of the International Coffee Council on 17 September 2018
- ICC-122-13:Statement by Mr Kitack Lim, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization, formulated at the Opening Ceremony of the 122nd Session of the International Coffee Council on 17 September 2018
- ICC-122-12: National Quality Standards
- ICC-122-11: Gender Equality in the Coffee Sector
- ICC-122-10 Rev. 1: Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)
- ICC-122-9: Guide to access green and climate funding for the coffee sector
- ICC-122-8: Country Coffee Profile: Ghana
- ICC-122-7: Mixtures and substitutes
- ICC-122-6: Emerging coffee markets: South and East Asia
- ICC-122-5: The role of the coffee futures market in discovering prices for Latin American producers
- ICC-122-4: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Membership as at 30 July 2018
- ICC-122-3: Admission of observers
- ICC-122-2: Initial distribution of votes for coffee year 2018/19 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (6) of Article 12 of the International Coffee Agreement 2007
- ICC-122-1 Rev. 3: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2017/18
- ICC-122-0 Rev. 1: Draft Agenda
Working documents
- WP-Council 295/18: Draft Resolution on coffee price levels – Submitted by exporting countries
- WP-Council 294/18: Provisional dates of meetings in coffee year 2018/19 and 2019/20
- WP-Council 293/18: Appointment of office holders and Committee representatives for coffee year 2018/19
- WP-Council 292/18: Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the International Coffee Organization and the International Women’s Coffee Alliance
- WP-Council 291/18: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Draft Resolution extending the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
121st Session
9 – 13 April 2018
Ciudad de México, Mexico
- ICC-121-10: List of Council Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 121st Session of the International Coffee Council, 9-13 April 2018
- ICC-121-9: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 121st Session of the International Coffee Council
- ICC-121-8: Report on credentials – List of Delegations
- ICC-121-7: ICO Award for Excellence in Coffee-Related Research
- ICC-121-6: Memorandum of Understanding between the International Coffee Organization and the Sustainable Coffee Challenge under the auspices of the Conservation International Foundation
- ICC-121-5: Gender equality in the coffee sector
- ICC-121-4: Development of Coffee Trade Flows
- ICC-121-3: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Membership as at 20 March 2018
- ICC-121-2 Add. 1: Request for observer status in April 2018 and future years – Conservation International and the Indo-OIC Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- ICC-121-2: Admission of observers
- ICC-121-1 Rev. 1: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2017/18 – Calculated as at 12 April 2018
- ICC-121-0 Rev. 1: Draft Agenda
- ICC-102-9 Rev. 1: Rules of Statistics – Certificates of Origin
Working Documents
- WP-Council 290/18: Draft Resolution – Submitted by the Finance and Administration Committee – Allocation of £13,500, from the Programme of Activities for coffee year 2017/18 to part-fund the implementation of the study on economic and policy analysis for improving smallholder coffee producers’ incomes
- WP-Council 289/18 Rev. 1: Draft Resolution – Submitted by the Executive Director – Invitation to the United States of America to reconsider its decision to withdraw from the International Coffee Agreement 2007
- WP-Council 288/18: Proposal to support the effective implementation of the ICO’s Five-Year Action Plan – Submitted by the Executive Director
- WP-Council 287/18: Draft Memorandum of Understanding between the International Coffee Organization and the Sustainable Coffee Challenge under the auspices of the Conservation International Foundation
Coffee year 2016/17
120th Session
25-29 September 2017
Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire
- ICC-120-16: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 120th Session of the International Coffee Council – 28 to 29 September 2017
- ICC-120-15 Rev. 1: Report on credentials – List of Delegations
- ICC-120-14: Memorandum of Understanding between the International Coffee Organization and the Global Coffee Platform
- ICC-120-13: Administrative Budget for the financial year 2017/18
- ICC-120-12: Programme of Activities for the Organization for coffee year 2017/18
- ICC-120-11: Five-Year Action Plan for the International Coffee Organization
- ICC-120-10: Statement by Mr José Sette, Executive Director of the ICO, to the International Coffee Council
- ICC-120-9: Statement by H.E. Mr Souleymane Diarrassouba, Minister of Commerce, Craft Industries and SMEs
- ICC-120-8: Obstacles to consumption
- ICC-120-7: Value addition in the African coffee sector
- ICC-120-6: Country Coffee Profile: Italy
- ICC-120-5: Country Coffee Profile: Cameroon
- ICC-120-4: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Membership as at 7 September 2017
- ICC-120-3: Admission of observers
- ICC-120-2: Initial distribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2017/18 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (6) of Article 12 of the International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Calculated as at 7 September 2017
- ICC-120-1 Rev. 1: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2016/17 – Calculated as at 26 September 2017
- ICC-120-0 Rev. 1: Draft Agenda
Working documents
- WP-Council 286/17: Membership of the Private Sector Consultative Board – nominations for coffee years 2017/18 and 2018/19
- WP-Council 285/17:Appointment of office holders and Committee representatives for coffee year 2017/18
- WP-Council 284/17: Provisional dates of meetings in coffee year 2017/18 and 2018/19
- WP-Council 283/17 Rev. 1: Draft Memorandum of Understanding between the International Coffee Organization and the Global Coffee Platform
- WP-Council 282/17:International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Draft Resolution extending the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
- WP-Council 281/17 Rev. 1:Drat Programme of Activities for the Organization for coffee year 2017/18
- WP-Council 280/17 Rev. 1:Strategic Review of the ICO – Draft Five-Year Action Plan
119th Session
13-17 March 2017
London, United Kingdom
- ICC-119-20: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 119th Session of the International Coffee Council – 13 to 17 March 2017
- ICC-119-19: Report on credentials – List of Delegations
- ICC-119-18: Memorandum of Understanding between the African Fine Coffees Association and the International Coffee Organization
- ICC-119-17: Staff Regulations and Staff Rules
- ICC-119-16:Statement by the newly appointed Executive Director, Mr José Dauster Sette, to the 119th Session of the International Coffee Council on 17 March 2017
- ICC-119-15:Statement by the representative of the Ministry of Agricultural Development of Nepal,to the 119th Session of the International Coffee Council, on 17 March 2017
- ICC-119-14:National coffee policy of Peru – Statement by H.E. Mr Claudio De la Puente, Ambassador of Peru to the United Kingdom, at the 119th Session of the International Coffee Council on 16 March 2017
- ICC-119-13:Post of Executive Director – Presentation by Ms Delima Hasri Darmawan, Indonesia
- ICC-119-12: Post of Executive Director – Presentation by Mr Remigi Winzap, Switzerland
- ICC-119-11: Post of Executive Director – Presentation by Mr Rodolfo Trampe Taubert, Mexico
- ICC-119-10: Post of Executive Director – Presentation by Mr José Dauster Sette, Brazil
- ICC-119-9 Add. 1: Communication from the Government of Switzerland
- ICC-119-9: Nomination for the post of Executive Director – Mr Remigi Winzap – Endorsed by the Government of Switzerland
- ICC-119-8: Nomination for the post of Executive Director – Mr Rodolfo Trampe Taubert – Endorsed by the Government of Mexico
- ICC-119-7: Nomination for the post of Executive Director – Mr José Dauster Sette – Endorsed by the Government of Brazil
- ICC-119-6: Nomination for the post of Executive Director – Mr Eduardo Montauban Urriaga – Endorsed by the Government of Peru
- ICC-119-5: Nomination for the post of Executive Director – Ms Delima Hasri Darmawan – Endorsed by the Government of Indonesia
- ICC-119-4: Report on the implementation of the Programme of Activities for the Organization – 2015/16
- ICC-119-3: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Membership as at 3 March 2017
- ICC-119-2: Admission of observers
- ICC-119-1 Rev. 1: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2016/17 – Calculated as at 15 March 2017
- ICC-119-0 Rev. 2: Draft Agenda
- PSC-2/17: Report of the Pre-Selection Committee meeting held on 28 February 2017
Working papers
- WP-Council 279/17: Draft procedures for presentations to be made by candidates for the post of Executive Director
WP-Council 278/17: Post of Executive Director of the ICO – Voting procedures - WP- Council 277/17: Provisional dates of meetings coffee year 2017/18
- WP-Council 276/17:Draft Memorandum of Understanding between the African Fine Coffees Association and the International Coffee Organization
118th Session (Special)
23 January 2017
London, United Kingdom,
- ICC-118-4: Decisions and Resolution Adopted at the 118th Special Session of the International Coffee Council
- ICC-118-3: Report on credentials – List of delegations
- ICC-118-2: Terms of reference for the post of Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization
- ICC-118-1:Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2016/17 – Calculated as at 20 January 2017
- ICC-118-0:Draft Agenda
- WP-Council 275/17: Authorization to sign the lease and related agreements at Part 4th Floor, 222 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB (“the Property”) on behalf of the International Coffee Organization (ICO)
- WP-Council 274/17:Appointment of the Executive Director – Terms of reference – Procedures and schedule
Coffee year 2015/16
117th Session
19-23 September 2016
London, United Kingdom
- ICC-117-16: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 117th Session of the International Coffee Council – 19 to 23 September 2016
- ICC-117-15: Report on the Strategic Review of the ICO
- ICC-117-14: Report on credentials – List of Delegations
- ICC-117-12: Statement sent by H.E. Mr Sani Redi Ahmed, Director General of the Ethiopia Coffee & Tea Development and Marketing Authority of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the 117thSession of the International Coffee Council on 22 September 2016
- ICC-117-11: Statement by the Vice-Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam to the 117th Session of the International Coffee Council on 22 September 2016
- ICC-117-10: List of decisions to be made and documents to be approved during the 117thSession
- ICC-117-8: Country Coffee Profile: El Salvador
- ICC-117-7: Interim report on the implementation of the Programme of Activities for the Organization – 2015/16 – As at 1 June 2016
- ICC-117-6: Assessing the economic sustainability of coffee growing
- ICC-117-5: Review of themes raised in the 4thWorld Coffee Conference – Report of the Executive Director
- ICC-117-4: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Membership as at 14 September 2016
- ICC-117-3: Admission of observers
- ICC-117-2: Initial distribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2016/16 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (6) of Article 12 of the International Coffee Agreement 2007 (Calculated as at 15 September 2016)
- ICC-117-1: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2015/16 – Calculated as at 15 September 2016
- ICC-117-0 Rev. 2:Draft Agenda
Working documents
- WP-Council 273/16: Vision 2020: Background and updated Memorandum of Understanding
- WP-Council 272/16: Provisional dates of meetings in coffee years 2016/17 and 2017/18
- WP-Council 271/16: Appointment of office holders and Committee representatives for coffee year 2016/17
- WP-Council 270/16 Rev. 1: Draft Resolution on the use of the Special Fund
- WP-Council 269/16 Rev. 1: Draft Report on the Strategic Review of the ICO
- WP-Council 268/16:International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Draft Resolution extending the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
- WP-Council 265/16 Rev. 4: Draft Programme of Activities for the Organization – 2016/17
116th Session
9-11 March 2016
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- ICC-116-14 Corrigendum: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 116th Session of the International Coffee Council – 9 to 11 March 2016
- ICC-116-14: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 116th Session of the International Coffee Council – 9 to 11 March 2016
- ICC-116-13: Report on credentials and list of Delegations
- ICC-116-12: Administrative Budget for the financial year 2016/17
- ICC-116-11: Statement by Mr Faustin Lokinda, Principal Adviser to the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, at the 116th Session of the International Coffee Council on 9 March 2016
- ICC-116-10:Statement by H.E. Mr Claudio De la Puente, Ambassador of Peru to the United Kingdom, on the occasion of Peru’s reincorporation to the International Coffee Organization, 116th Session of the International Coffee Council on 9 Marhc 2016
- ICC-116-9: Statement by H.E. Mr Mauro Vieira, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, to the 116thSession of the International Coffee Council on 9 March 2016
- ICC-116-8: Statement by H.E. Mr Wondirad Mandefro, State Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Ethiopia
- ICC-116-7: Report on the implementation of the Programme of Activities for coffee year 2014/15
- ICC-116-4: Future coffee farmers – the challenge of generational change in rural areas in African countries
- ICC-116-3: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Membership as at 12 February 2016
- ICC-116-2: Admission of observers
- ICC-116-1:Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2015/16 – Calculated as at 4 March 2016
- ICC-116-0 Rev. 1: Draft Agenda
Working Papers
- WP-Council 267/16: Use of the Special Fund
- WP-Council 266/16 Rev. 2: Strategic Review of the ICO – Terms of Reference, Timetable, Table of Contents, and Main Roles and Responsibilities
- WP-Council 265/16:Draft Programme of Activities for the Organization – 2016/17
- WP-Council 264/16:Guidelines for the preparation of country coffee profiles
Coffee year 2014/15
115th Session
28 September to 2 October 2015
Milan, Italy
- ICC-115-15: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 115th Session of the International Coffee Council – 28 September – 2 October 2015
- ICC-115-14 Rev. 1:Report on credentials – List of Delegations
- ICC-115-13: Terms of reference for Committees and advisory bodies
- ICC-115-12: Administrative Budget for the financial year 2015/16 – Restricted
- ICC-115-11: Report from the African and Malagasy Robusta Coffee Agency (ACRAM)
- ICC-115-10: Statement by the Government of Japan to the 115th Session of the International Coffee Council on 28 September 2015
- ICC-115-9: Statement by H.E. Dr Alexander Yakovenko, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United Kingdom, to the 115th Session of the International Coffee Council on 28 September 2015
- ICC-115-8: Coffee in the Russian Federation
- ICC-115-7: Coffee in China
- ICC-115-6: The impact of the price of oil and the US dollar exchange rate on coffee prices
- ICC-115-5: Interim report on the implementation of the Programme of Activities for the Organization – 2014/15 – As at 1 June 2015
- ICC-115-4: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Membership as at 16 September 2015
- ICC-115-3: Admission of observers
- ICC-115-2: Initial distribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2015/16 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (6) of Article 12 of the International Coffee Agreement 2007 (Calculated as at 24 September 2015)
- ICC-115-1 Rev. 1: Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2014/15 – Calculated as at 25 September 2015
- ICC-115-0 Rev. 3:Draft Agenda
- ICC-114-5 Rev. 1:Sustainability of the coffee sector in Africa
- Schedule of meetings
Working papers
- WP-Council 263/15: Expo Milan 2015 – The Coffee Legacy, an appendix to La Carta di Milano
- WP-Council 262/15: Terms of reference for the Core Group for the Consultative Forum on Coffee Sector Finance and for the Finance and Administration Committee – proposal for revision
- WP-Council 261/15: Provisional dates of meetings in coffee years 2015/16 and 2016/17
- WP-Council 259/15: Membership of the Private Sector Consultative Board for coffee years 2015/16 and 2016/17
- WP-Council 258/15:Preparations for the 4th World Coffee Conference (Ethiopia 2016)
- WP-Council 257/15: Draft Resolution – Strategic Review of the ICO
- WP-Council 256/15: Appointment of office holders and committee representatives for coffee year 2015/16
- WP-Council 255/15:International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Draft Resolution extending the time limit for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
114th Session
2-6 March 2015
London, United Kingdom
- ICC-114-12: Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 114th Session of the International Coffee Council – 2 to 6 March 2015
- ICC-114-11: Memorandum of Understanding between the ICO and Oxfam
- ICC-114-10:Report on Credentials – List of Delegations
- ICC-114-9: Programme of Activities for the Organization – 2015/16
- ICC-114-8: Memorandum of Understanding between the International Coffee Organization, the 4C Association and IDH The Sustainable Trade Initiative
- ICC-114-7: Guide for Financing Climate-Related Activities in the Coffee Sector
- ICC-114-6: Global Coffee Forum and International Coffee Day (Available to ICO Members upon request)
- ICC-114-5: Sustainability of the coffee sector in Africa
- ICC-114-4: Report on the implementation of the Programme of Activities for coffee year 2013/14
- ICC-114-3: International Coffee Agreement 2007 – Membership as at 23 February 2015
- ICC-114-2: Admission of observers
- ICC-114-1:Redistribution of votes in the Council for coffee year 2014/15 – Calculated as at 26 February 2015
- ICC-114-0 Rev. 2:Draft Agenda
- Schedule of Meeting
Working papers
- WP-Council 253/15: Provisional dates of meetings in coffee year 2015/16 and 2016/17
- WP-Council 252/15: Strategic review of the ICO – Submitted by the European Union, Switzerland and the United States
- WP-Council 250/15: Draft Programme of Activities for the Organization – 2015/16
- WP-Council 249/14 Rev. 1:Coffee and climate change- Restricted
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WP-Council 248/14: Draft Memorandum of Understanding between the International Coffee Organization, the 4C Association and IDH The Sustainable Trade Initiative
For documents pertaining to coffee years 2012/13 and earlier, please contact
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(c) International Coffee Organization