Reuniões e Documentos


  1. Comunicações da Diretora-Executiva
  2. Conselho Internacional do Café
  3. Comitê de Finanças e Administração
  4. Junta Consultiva do Setor Privado
  5. Comitê de Projetos
  6. Comitê de Promoção e Desenvolvimento de Mercado
  7. Comitê de Estatística
  8. Grupo de Trabalho sobre o Futuro do Acordo
  9. Força-Tarefa Público-Privada do Café
  10. Grupo Central do Fórum Consultivo
  11. Grupo de trabalho sobre o orçamento restrito
  12. Decisões e Resoluções do Conselho
  13. Notificações do Depositário
  14. Relatório sobre o Mercado de Café
  15. Documentos chave
  16. Comunidado de imprensa
  17. Apresentações técnicas
  18. Grupo de trabalho sobre a análise estragética da OIC
  19. Série Coffee Break


Ano Cafeeiro 2017/18

122nd Session of the International Coffee Council
17-21 September 2018
London, UK

122nd Session of the International Coffee Council

Thematic Workshop: Women in Coffee
17 September 2018

Donors Forum
18 September 2018

Projects Committee
18 September 2018

Partnership Fair
19 September 2018

Statistics Committee
19 September 2018

 Private Sector Consultative Board
19 September 2018

Promotion and Market Development Committee
19 September 2018

121st Session of the International Coffee Council

9 to 13 April 2018
Mexico City, Mexico

Opening Ceremony
9 April 2018

  • Mr Jorge Armando Narváes Narváes, Undersecretary of Agriculture, SAGARPA – Statement at the Opening Ceremony Spanish
  • Mr José Sette, Executive Director, ICO – Statement at the Opening ceremony
    English– French – Portuguese – Spanish

121st Session of the International Coffee Council

Dissemination Workshop on Coffee Leaf Rust
9 April 2018

Dissemination Workshop on Coffee and Health
9 April 2018

Projects Committee
10 April 2018

Statistics Committee
11 April 2018

Promotion and Market Development Committee
11 April 2018

Private Sector Consultative Board
11 April 2018

For documents pertaining to coffee years 2012/13 and earlier, please contact

222 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7612 0600
Fax: +44 (0)20 7612 0630

(c) International Coffee Organization