Meetings & Documents

List of Meetings and Documents

  1. Executive Director Communications
  2. International Coffee Council
  3. Finance and Administration Committee
  4. Private Sector Consultative Board
  5. Projects Committee
  6. Promotion and Market Development Committee
  7. Statistics Committee
  8. Working Group on the Future of the ICA
  9. Coffee Public-Private Task Force
  10. Core Group on the Consultative Forum
  11. Small High-level Working Group on the Budget
  12. Decisions and Resolutions of the Council
  13. Depositary Notifications
  14. Coffee Market Report
  15. Key documents
  16. Press Releases
  17. Technical Presentations
  18. Working Group on SR
  19. Coffee Break Series

Core Group on the Consultative Forum

Coffee Year 2017/18

For documents pertaining to coffee years 2012/13 and earlier, please contact

222 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7612 0600
Fax: +44 (0)20 7612 0630

(c) International Coffee Organization