Document Library

ICO and GCP renew commitment to coffee sustainability collaboration

Published Date: 29 September 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

The new Center for Circular Economy in Coffee is the first global collaborative platform for the circular transition in the coffee industry

Published Date: 27 September 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

ICO and ILO join forces to celebrate the 2023 International Coffee Day, promoting workers’ right to a safe and healthy working environment in the coffee supply chain

Published Date: 31 August 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

ICO’s Coffee Public Private Task Force brings attention to decent standard of living for coffee farmers worldwide INTERNATIONAL COFFEE ORGANIZATION

Published Date: 22 June 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Planet-protecting coffee: Mozambique joins the International Coffee Organization

Published Date: 13 June 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Switzerland becomes first country to ratify the International Coffee Agreement (ICA) 2022: the new treaty promoting international cooperation to achieve the sustainable development of the coffee sector

Published Date: 17 May 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

EU action against deforestation and forest degradation - EUDR: the ICO Task Force becomes a strategic partner in building consensus on a deforestation-free coffee supply chain

Published Date: 04 May 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

UK Government signs International Coffee Agreement

Published Date: 21 April 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

ICO’s Coffee Public Private Task Force launches a series of living income benchmark studies implemented by experts in partnership with ICO Members

Published Date: 16 February 2023
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

The International Coffee Organization and ASEAN Coffee Federation sign joint declaration to reinforce collaboration towards a sustainable and prosperous coffee sector

Published Date: 13 December 2022
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Rome becomes world coffee capital for a day

Published Date: 17 November 2022
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

134th Session of the International Coffee Council: towards the renewal of a unique coffee diplomacy space

Published Date: 17 October 2022
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

The 4th CEOs & Global Leaders Forum - a renewed commitment towards sustainability and farmers’ prosperity in the coffee sector

Published Date: 05 October 2022
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

13 results were found



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(c) International Coffee Organization