Document Library

Compliance with the provision of statistical data - Coffee years 2007/08 to 2014/15 and October 2015 to June 2016

Published Date: 19 September 2016
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Draft Agenda

SC-66/16 Rev. 2
Published Date: 16 September 2016
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Draft Agenda

SC-66/16 Rev. 1
Published Date: 09 September 2016
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Report of the Statistics Committee on the meeting held on 9 March 2016

Published Date: 29 March 2016
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Draft Agenda

SC-61/15 Rev. 1
Published Date: 19 February 2016
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Compliance with the provision of statistical data - Coffee years 2007/08 to 2014/15 and October to December 2015

Published Date: 15 February 2016
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Progress report on the implementation of the Coffee Quality-Improvement Programme (CQP) Calendar years 2005 to 2015

Published Date: 05 February 2016
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Gradings results for Arabica and Robusta Coffees - Calendar years 2005 to 2015

Published Date: 26 January 2016
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

Report of the Statistics Committee on its meeting of 29 September 2015

Published Date: 16 October 2015
English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

9 results were found



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(c) International Coffee Organization