ICO Seminars & Workshops

Global Coffee Events

The production, processing, consumption and disposal of coffee creates wealth and employment, but also concerns with regards to the livelihood of small coffee growers and its environmental impact. Furthermore, mitigating and adapting to climate change poses new challenges to the sustainable future of coffee, both for producers and consumers.

Participants in this workshop will analyse the environmental, economic and social impact of the coffee value chain and the solutions that are being identified by the operators in the sector.

Mr. Gerardo Patacconi, ICO Head of Operations: Moderator and keynote speaker

Mr. Hora Fikru Amenu, Input Supply and Quality Control Director: Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Development and Marketing Authority: Coffee is born in Ethiopia, how do we assure its sustainability.

Mr. Andrea De Marco, Projects Technical Coordinator, Agro-Industrial Technologies Division, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna: The Project “Improving the Sustainability and Inclusiveness of the Ethiopian Coffee Value Chain through Private and Public Partnership” an example of a successful public-private partnership

Ms Laura Traldi, journalist, D la Repubblica: coffee, design and sustainability

More information at: http://www.milanocoffeefestival.it/auditorium/caffe-e-sostenibilita

Achieving Sustainable Supply In The Market

The ICO held a seminar on achieving sustainable supply in the coffee market on 4 March 2014, with the aim of providing information to Members on this topic. The Seminar identified relevant issues in this field, and also attempted to formulate any relevant recommendations. Terms of reference | Programme | Video and Presentations (New!) | Photos Seminar on trends in new coffee consuming markets – 5 March 2013 Seminar on the economic, social and environmental impact of certification on the coffee supply chain – 25 September 2012

Achieving Sustainable Supply In The Market

The ICO held a seminar on achieving sustainable supply in the coffee market on 4 March 2014, with the aim of providing information to Members on this topic. The Seminar identified relevant issues in this field, and also attempted to formulate any relevant recommendations. Terms of reference | Programme | Video and Presentations (New!) | Photos Seminar on trends in new coffee consuming markets – 5 March 2013 Seminar on the economic, social and environmental impact of certification on the coffee supply chain – 25 September 2012

Expert panel on Coffee Sector Finance

The ICO held a meeting of an Expert Panel on Coffee Sector Finance on 21 September 2010. The objective of the Panel was to promote an exchange of views, experiences and ideas on issues related to the financing of the world coffee sector, focusing on the possible roles of the Organization in this field, especially with regard to preparing for the activities of the Consultative Forum on Coffee Sector Finance. Terms of Reference | Programme | Presentations | Report

Workshop on consultative forum on coffee sector finance

The ICO held a workshop on implementing the Consultative Forum on Coffee Sector Finance on 22 September 2009. The objective of the Workshop was to advance preparations for the first meeting of the Consultative Forum for Coffee Sector Finance through a discussion of specific ideas for the work of, and arrangements for the Forum. The results of the Workshop were reported to the Council for consideration.


Documents | Presentations | Report

Seminar On Coffee Cherry Borer 

The ICO held a seminar on the coffee berry borer (CBB) on 17 March 2009 at its headquarters in London. The CBB is considered to be the world’s most serious insect pest of coffee and has caused heavy losses costing millions of dollars worldwide. The objective of the seminar was to provide information to Members on the results of initiatives to combat the pest, the latest developments in control measures and regional issues associated with the coffee berry borer. Terms of reference | Programme | Presentations | Report | Photos

Seminar on Geographical Indications

The ICO held a seminar on geographical indications on the afternoon of 20 May 2008 at its headquarters in London. The objective of the seminar was to inform Members about the concept of geographical indications and their development and possible importance for the world coffee sector. The seminar further informed Members about approaches to product differentiation, which can be an important marketing tool in a competitive market. Terms of reference | Programme | Presentations | Report | Photos

CFC/ICO Workshop On Coffee Development Priorities

The Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) and the ICO held a workshop on future coffee development priorities on 27 September 2006, to assist the CFC in developing its Five-Year Action Plan for 2008 – 2012. The Action Plan will guide both bodies on the types of projects to be submitted to the CFC by identifying priority areas for assistance. Programme | Documents | Report

Workshop On The Potential For Diversificatio

This workshop was organized by the Natural Resources Institute (NRI), the Project Executing Agency for the second phase of the ICO/CFC project “Worldwide comparative analysis of coffee growing areas”. This phase of the project aimed to identify the conditions for successful diversification and produce a tool that could be used by policy makers to design and implement operationally feasible programmes that accelerate the process of diversification and improve the livelihoods of poor people significantly. Representatives of the NRI along with authors of country case studies presented the main findings and recommendations of this study. Programme | Executive Summary | Presentations

Seminar On Genetically Modified Coffee

A Seminar on Genetically Modified Coffee took place on 17 May 2005. Its purpose was to bring together policy makers from relevant sectors to review the current situation of genetically modified coffee, and to inform ICO Members about developments in this area. Speakers included representatives from research institutes, producing countries, scientists, NGOs and industry. Terms Of Reference | Programme | Presentations

Round Table On Equitable Trading And Coffee

A Round Table on Equitable Trading and Coffee took place on 18 May 2004, chaired by Ian Breminer, Managing Director of Complete Coffee Ltd. Speakers included representatives from the Fairtrade Foundation, Nestlé, Cafédirect, Uganda, the Ethical Trading Initiative, the NRI and organizations working in sustainable development.

Terms Of Reference | Programme | Presentations

Coffee And Health Seminar

A constraint to increasing coffee consumption is the linking of coffee with fears about its effects on health, particularly in certain countries. However, there is now significant scientific information available on the various positive health effects of coffee drinking, covering a range of areas. The dissemination of this information can make a significant contribution to increasing worldwide coffee consumption. The ICO and the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia held a Seminar on Coffee and Health in Cartagena, Colombia on 15 September 2003, chaired by Dr. Ernesto Illy, Chairman of the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee. The seminar brought together scientific experts from coffee producing and consuming countries and was attended by around 250 participants from 60 countries.

Programme | Presentations | Press Release | Report

ICO/World Bank High-level Round Table: International Coffee Crisis – Looking For Long-term Solutions

The ICO and the World Bank held a high-level Round Table on “the International Coffee Crisis – Looking for Long-term solutions” on 19 May 2003. The event brought together over 250 delegates including producers from developing countries, government officials, experts from international organizations, advocacy groups and industry representatives to discuss alternatives such as diversification, quality, added value and market development. Following the Executive Director’s subsequent submission to the G8 Summit held in Evian, France in June 2003 requesting it to address the issue of coffee prices as a prime example of a problem area in commodity trade, the Summit called for measures to address the impact of commodity price fluctuations on low income countries.

Programme | Presentations | Press Release | Report

E-Commerce Workshop

A workshop on e-commerce was held on 2 October 2001 to inform Members about the different systems available and potential benefits for the coffee sector. Presenters from the ITC and industry spoke on topics ranging from on-line auctions in Brazil to experiences with e-commerce in producing and consuming countries. While much work needs to be carried out, these experiences pointed positively to lower supply chain costs, greater collaboration and gains for all participants.

Programme | Presentations | Report

Round Table On Organic Coffee

A round table on organic coffee was held on 19 May 2000 which covered three main areas: definition of coffee produced by organic farming methods; certification of coffee produced by organic farming methods and future prospects.


Seminar On Coffee And The Environment

A seminar on Coffee and the Environment was held on 27 and 28 May 1996, attended by over 90 participants.

Programme | Presentations | Report